Дані про Політехніку для заявників


Акронім: LPNU


Дані реєстрації Львівської політехніки на порталі EU Funding & Tenders Opportunities Portal:

PIC: 998579305

Organisation ID (OID) номер Львівської політехніки:

OID: E10204021

Дані реєстрації Львівської політехніки на SAM.gov (для подачі заявок на американські конкурси):

UEI: LT63D797S8E4

VAT номер або ID номер організації: 02071010


Юридична адреса:

Вулиця, будинок: 12 Stepana Bandery str.
Місто: Lviv
Поштовий індекс: 79013
Країна: Ukraine


Короткий опис про організацію:

Lviv Polytechnic National University (LPNU) (https://lpnu.ua) is the largest university in Lviv and the oldest technical educational institution in Ukraine. From its foundation in 1816, it has become one of Central Europe's most important centers of technical sciences and technological developments. The University is also a powerful research center. 

The main University activities are the following:

  • Training of high-level scientific and educational research staff;
  • Scientific research and developments, and the creation of scientific and research products.

The university's structure includes 17 academic and research institutes, an International Institute of Education, Culture, and Diaspora Relations, 10 colleges, more than 100 departments, a research section, a scientific-technical library, the Tech StartUp School innovation center, as well as research, testing, and industry-specific laboratories.

Currently, the university hosts approximately 34,000 students. There are 67 bachelor's programs (undergraduate/first degree), and 54 master's specialties (158 master's programs) (graduate/second degree).

The educational process is facilitated by over 2,100 academic staff, including nearly 500 doctoral degree holders, professors, and over 1,400 candidates of sciences, and associate professors. Additionally, the university offers doctoral programs in philosophy with 54 educational and scientific programs and doctoral degrees in 38 specialties.

The university actively implements inclusive educational policies to uphold universal, national, and socio-cultural values. Moreover, a Center for Education Quality Assurance operates within the university.

As of 2022, the university has more than 215 active international cooperation agreements with higher education institutions and organizations from 34 countries worldwide. LPNU has a long-standing tradition of international education and scientific collaboration. Over 50 years, approximately 3,000 and 130 doctoral degrees have been awarded to foreign students from more than 70 countries. Additionally, the university hosts over 20 annual international conferences in various engineering fields. As of 2022, the university has implemented 71 academic mobility projects under the Erasmus+ KA1 program. In 2023, over 15 projects are being implemented under the Erasmus+ KA2 program, along with 18 projects under the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet direction.

In 2007/2008, according to the Bologna process, LPNU adopted and implemented a unified ECTS 3-level education system, which made it possible for the University to be a part of the European educational network.

The educational process is organized into two forms – full-time and part-time. The graduates can be employed at research, development, manufacturing, design, and advisory institutions. Graduated specialists are employed at domestic and offshore international IT companies and their branch offices, as well as at all institutions where computer systems and information technologies are used. The research activities of the University are oriented mainly toward Microsystems engineering/design and custom software development for design & engineering tools. Today LPNU actively implements new specializations and develops teaching laboratories related to Microsystems Engineering, particularly in Intelligent Microsystems. 


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