Information package of Lviv Polytechnic National University

  1. Information on the institution
    1. Name and address
    2. Academic calendar
    3. Academic authorities
    4. General description of the University
    5. Faculties and departments
    6. General admission requirements
    7. General arrangements for the recognition of prior learning
    8. ECTS credit allocation, student workload and learning outcomes
    9. Arrangements for academic guidance
  2. Information on degree programmes
    1. General information
    2. Description of individual course units
  3. General information for students
    1. Accommodation
    2. Meals
    3. Medical facilities
    4. Facilities for students with special needs
    5. Insurance
    6. Student affairs office
    7. Learning facilities
    8. International academic mobility program
    9. Social networks
    10. Sports facilities
    11. Leisure activities
    12. Practice, internship, and employment of students
    13. Language courses
    14. Student associations

Information on the institution

1. Name and address

Adress: 12, Stepan Bandera str., 79013, Lviv, Ukraine 


Phone: 38-(032) 258-21-11

Fax: 38-032-2582680


The telephone directory

Address on the map

Guideline “Lviv Polytechnic National University”

Guideline for foreign students “Welcome Guide for International students”

2. Academic calendar in the 2022-2023 academic year

Schedule of the educational process in the academic year

Official holidays in 2022-2023

For more information, contact the institute's deputy director for international activities.

Lessons schedule:

Exam schedule:

Academic debt liquidation schedule

3. Academic authorities

Rector prof. Yurii Bobalo 

About the Rector

Academic authorities

4. General description of the University

Information about the University

Strategic development plan of Lviv Polytechnic until 2025

University’s map

History of Lviv Polytechnic National University



5. Academic Institutes of Lviv Polytechnic National University

Academic Institutes of Lviv Polytechnic National University

6. General admission requirements

Funding your studies

Admission requirements (Ba/Ma/PhD)

Department for Foreign Students

Preparatory department

Funding your studies for foreign citizens

7. General arrangements for the recognition of prior learning

Students can be exempted from a course unit if they can present a study certificate that proves they have passed an equivalent course unit at another higher education institute, but also when they can prove that they have acquired the competencies of the course unit elsewhere, for example as the result of professional practice. Lviv Polytechnic National University has worked out a procedure for the recognition of prior learning. All the information you need on the procedure of recognition of previously acquired competencies and making the portfolio is in the guideline.

8. ECTS credit allocation, student workload, and learning outcomes

A credit of the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) is a unit used to measure the amount of a student's academic load. According to the Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education," the volume of one credit is 30 hours. The maximum annual load of a student cannot be more than 60 credits per year (i.e., 30 credits per semester).

9. Arrangements for academic guidance

Lviv Polytechnic National University (LPNU), in cooperation with Erasmus Student Network Ukraine (ESN Ukraine), has developed the Buddy System, which is designed to help international students to get most of their stay in Lviv. Thanks to local buddies (students), international students can benefit from a personalized welcome, get support with administrative procedures, experience local culture, and have an easy first contact point from the moment of signing up for the program. The Buddy system is dedicated to providing support before arrival and improving the integration of incoming students after arrival.

II.Information on degree programs

1. General information

Course catalogue

2. Description of individual course units

Academic specialities taught in English

IІI.General information for students

1. Accommodation


The Campus map

Conditions, internal rules and regulations

Location of dormitories, price, application procedure

For more information, please contact:

Department for foreign citizens "Kompis"
Head of Department: Lutfor Rahman
Address: Svyatoho Yura Square, 1 Campus 3, Room-129, Lviv, 79000
Phone number(s): (032) 258-02-51
Phone number(s): (032) 258-02-50

2. Meals

University Dining Hall

Dining hall on the campus

3. Medical facilities

Medical support

4. Facilities for students with special needs

«No Limits» Accessibility Services

5. Insurance

Lviv Polytechnic National University has a cooperation agreement with Knіazha insurance company

6. Student affairs office

Students and PhD Students Union

Students' Board of Lviv Polytechnic National University

Students Department of Lviv Polytechnic National University

7. Learning facilities

Library catalog

Virtual learning environment

8. International academic mobility program

About international academic mobility

Double degree diploma programs 

Erasmus+KA1 mobilities

9. Social networks

Facebook. Twitter. Instagram

10. Sports facilities

Sports Complex

11. Leisure activities

Museum of University

Cultural Student Clubs “Prisvita”

Recreational Camp

12. Practice, internship and employment of students

Career guidance

Job and career offers

13. Language courses

Linguistically Education Center

14. Student associations

Students' Board

Students and PhD Students Union

Student scientific societies and circles

Board of European Students of Technology (BEST)

Scientific Society of Students, Doctoral Candidates and Young Researchers

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