About Campus

The campus is a unit of Lviv Polytechnic University and governed by the current legislation of Ukraine, the standard provisions of the dormitories/residence halls of the institution of the Ministry of Science and Education of Ukraine, the Lviv Polytechnic Statute and the Regulation on campus.

13 dormitories (one of which is suitable for families) form a domestic complex where more than 8 thousand students and postgraduates live, study and have a rest. There are 3 sports-grounds and gyms, conditions for service of students are created, the student’s clinic is located on the territory and the Student’club works.

Dormitories of Lviv Polytechnic National University are only for non-resident students, postgraduates, doctoral students (further-students), and also students from among orphans and children deprived of parental care, on condition of absence of other place of residence, only for the period of study.

A non-resident student of distant learning can live in dormitories for the period of examinations, non-resident enrollees on a period of entrance exams and also enrollees from among orphans and children deprived of parental care, on condition of absence of other place of residence, only for the period of study.
Settlement of students in the LP dormitories is carried out by personal statement of the student on a competitive basis for one academic year according to the Order of the University and the “Order of the settlement of students and postgraduates in the dormitories of the Lviv Polytechnic National University”

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