Admission requirements (Ba/Ma/PhD)

All foreign citizens have equal right for studying in Ukraine regardless of sex, race, nationality, social and financial state, type of occupation, world outlook, religious beliefs, place of residence and other grounds.

Enrollment of foreign citizens, who have intention to study at Lviv Polytechnic National University is realized in compliance with the "Procedure for the recruitment and training (internship) of foreigners and stateless persons" (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine # 1541 by 01/11/2013) according to the chosen specialties and specializations.

Foreign citizens, who have appropriate documents on education and the knowledge of the Ukrainian language, shall be enrolled to the Lviv Polytechnic National University (the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine license series of АБ № 175530) according to the results of the entrance interview.

The interview shall be held from August 20 till September 20. The knowledge level will be assessed at the following scale: high, sufficient and insufficient. The decision whether to accept candidate shall be made according to the results of the interview. Foreign citizens who have intention to study in specialties: "Construction and Civil Engineering (Industrial and Civil Engineering)", "Applied Mechanics", "Computer Science", "Architecture (Architecture of Buildings and Structures)", Management (Foreign Economic Management)", "International Economic Relations (International Economics)", "Information Systems and Technologies (Information and Communication Systems)" can acquire education in English (with a minimum of 7 students enrolled in an academic group).

Foreign citizens, who have obtained the documents about education (Bachelor’s or Master’s degree diploma) outside Ukraine and are determined to proceed with their studies in one of the Ukrainian higher educational establishments on the following educational qualification level must pass obligatory acknowledgment procedure of these documents in the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

Foreign citizens, who wish to study in University, but do not speak Ukrainian, shall be accepted to Preparatory Department for language preparation for enrolment in Ukrainian higher educational institutions. Preparatory Department for foreign citizens conducts studies and issues certificates for entering higher educational institutions of Ukraine  in engineering-technical, medical-biological and humanitarian specialties (in accordance with curricula approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine). Foreign citizens, who have completed the course but failed examinations, can return home or re-enroll and repeat course if they are willing to.

In order to obtain an invitationto study in Ukraine foreign citizens must send written application for entering Lviv Polytechnic National University to the University administration.

An application can be sent at the following addresses:


Fax: +380322727863

Postal address: 79013 Ukraine, Lviv 12 Stepan Bandera Street

Lviv Polytechnic National University

Documents required for Invitation to study in Ukraine:

  • a completed application in prescribed format;
  • a copy of the passport first page (full name, citizenship, date of birth, passport serial number, permanent residence address);
  • a copy of the certificate of complete secondary education (translated into Ukrainian) and the supplement with study disciplines and obtained grades/marks; as well as the information on knowledge assessment system according to which the student was evaluated;
  • a copy of the signed form for the consent of the processing applicant's personal data.

The University shall examine the provided documents and, if the documents meet the established requirements, shall send the original of invitation to study in Ukraine to the candidate and visa support to the Embassy of Ukraine.

In order to obtain entrance visa foreign candidate should contact the Embassy of Ukraine in his / her or nearby country (it will be specified in written invitation for study) providing completed visa application form and original invitation to study at Lviv Polytechnic National University.

The education documents must be approved by the Department of Education of the country that issued the documents and legalized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of this country. There must also be the notarized copy of educational documents translated into Ukrainian. While obtaining a visa, all above-indicated documents shall be legalized in the Embassy of Ukraine.

Foreign citizens, who received Ukrainian visa, must inform the Lviv Polytechnic National University about the date of arrival and flight number in order to be ensured in the airport meeting. In case of not providing the information on arrival and the absence of University meeting representative, foreign citizen may be returned from the Lviv airport back to his / her Motherland.

Upon arrival in Ukraine, foreign citizens must apply to the State Migration Service no later than 15 days before the expiration of the Ukrainian entry visa. Citizens who violate these terms will be denied in registration documents to reside in Ukraine.


If there is a direct flight, the students may arrive directly to the Lviv airport. In case direct flight is unavailable, possible arrival route lies via Kyiv (flight transfer at the Boryspil airport) to Lviv.

The documents required for entering Lviv Polytechnic National University:

  • an application in prescribed format;
  • a passport with the Ukrainian visa;
  • an original certificate and a notarized copy of the educational document (diploma), as well as supplement with the studied disciplines and received grades/marks (Educational documents of foreigners, issued by educational institutions of other countries, should passed recognition procedure according to the Law of Ukraine);
  • a general health medical certificate issued not earlier that two months prior to the arrival for studying in Ukraine;
  • an emergency medical insurance (except foreign citizens who arrived from the countries, which have a preliminary agreement with Ukraine on free emergency medical care);
  • a copy of the birth certificate;
  • a return ticket with open departure date for the one-year period;
  • An academic year at Lviv Polytechnic National University begins on 1 September and at Preparatory Department on 1 October, and is completed in June next year.

For additional information on the studies of foreign citizens at Lviv Polytechnic National University, please contact us at e-mail addresses: 

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