On May 27–28, 2021, the Institute of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Department of Political Science and International Relations, Lviv Polytechnic National University, together with the Institute of Political Science, the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Poland, held the VI Ukrainian-Polish Scientific Forum «Eastern Policy of the European Union: achievements, challenges and prospects». This year’s Forum was held in the framework of the Erasmus+ J. Monnet Module project «EU Eastern Partnership Initiative: Opportunities for Ukraine» No. 619891-EPP-1–2020-UA-EPPJMO-MODULE.
The forum included six sections, which were attended by over a hundred people, including representatives of educational institutions of Ukraine, Poland and Latvia, the authorities of Ukraine and Poland, representatives of public organizations, as well as leading Ukrainian and foreign experts.
It is important that this year’s Forum was held as part of the implementation of the international project by the Department of Political Science and International Relations, the Institute of the Humanities and Social Sciences, taking into account the experience of academic mobility programmes, including double degree programs. As a result of the Forum, a monograph and a number of publications will be published in the scientific journal «Humanitarian Visions».
Ukrainian and Polish students, postgraduate and doctoral students tested their researches, and had the opportunity to ask questions and talk to stakeholders and experts-practitioners in the field of International Relations.
We express our sincere gratitude to the initiators of the scientific event, prof. Yaryna Turchyn and prof. Teresa Astramowicz-Leyk, as well as the forum participants for a lively discussion of topical issues in the field of International Relations, interesting discussion and important scientific and practical results.