Frequently Asked Questions

How can I choose a university?

Please visit our website www. and you can make your choice. It is the official website of the University.

Do you register or notarize translated documents?

No, registration or notarization of documents must be completed by a notary.

Is it possible to pass an interview online?

Yes, all interviews can be held online.

What are the tuition fees at the university I am interested in?

Tuition fees vary from university to university. On our official website you can find links to the official websites of the universities you’re interested in.

Can my parents or relatives pay for my study?

Yes, your parents or relatives can pay for your study.

I am a foreigner, and I know the Ukrainian language. Do I need to enroll in the preparatory department?

Yes, if you want to continue your bachelor's or master's degree at the university, you need to have a certificate of language proficiency (Ukrainian language and language of technical/medical subjects).

When is it possible to enroll in the Preparatory department?

 From July to February, groups are formed.

Is it possible to study only the Ukrainian language?

Yes, if you have learned it and plan to improve your knowledge.

When do you have to pay for tuition?

After you sign a contract with the university.

Is it possible to pay in installments?

No, when you enter the preparatory department.

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