International activity of the department


Mobility project according to the inter-institutional agreement under the Erasmus+ KA1 program between Lviv Polytechnic National University and Kingston University (London, UK) (2020-1-UK01-KA107-078410)

Department of Management and International Business is a partner of the Erasmus+ KA1 - International Credit Mobility program with Kingston University, London, The United Kingdom, funded by the European Union and the Erasmus+ Agency.

This program is primarily aimed at promoting student international mobility. For the period from 2017 until 2021 twenty-seven students of the department visited the Kingston Business School, where they had the opportunity to study in an international environment during one semester.

At the same time, this program promotes teacher mobility. Thus, the Department of Management and International Business not only hosted representatives of the partner university, but the teachers of the department had the opportunity to demonstrate their own teaching skills and scientific achievements, communicate with students from almost all corners of the world, and familiarize themselves with the best international educational and scientific practices of Kingston University.

Kingston University is a public university located in the south-eastern part of London in a picturesque area on the banks of the River Thames. The university is known for its professionally oriented courses and high quality of education. In 2017, Kingston University entered the Times Higher Education TOP-200 best universities in the world for programs in the fields of business and economics. The university also entered the top list of young universities in the world (under 50 years old) and took second place among British universities according to the QS ranking.

Project coordinators: Doctor of Economics, Prof. O. Kuzmin, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Prof. I. Oleksiv 

Executors of the project: Doctor of Economics, associate professor Kharchuk V. Yu., Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate professor Lema H. V., Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate professor Ugolkova O.Z.

Students feedback about participation in this program:


Visits of Kingston University professors:

Double degree study program between Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine, and The Bialystok School of Economics, Republic of Poland

The project was launched in 2017 and the first recruitment for the program was in 2018. The project involves training under the educational and professional program "International Economics" of the educational level "Master" in the speciality 292 "International Economic Relations", which is implemented at the Department of Management and International Business. The main tasks of the project include an educational component; conducting scientific research; familiarization with the historical and cultural heritage.

The total number of students studying under the program is 15.

The head of the program: Doctor of Economics, prof. Kuzmin O.,

Guarantor of the educational and professional program "International Economy" and responsible executor: Candidate of Economic Sciences, prof. Chernobay L.

Structuring Cooperation in Doctoral Research, Transferrable Skills Training and Academic Writing Instruction in Ukraine`s regions- DocHub (574064-EPP-1-2016-1-LT-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP)

The staff of the Department of Management and International Business participates in the international Erasmus+ project "Structuring Cooperation in Doctoral Research, Transferrable Skills Training and Academic Writing Instruction in Ukraine`s regions". 

The DocHub project aims to accelerate the implementation at the national level of educational and scientific educational programs of third cycle of higher education in accordance with the Bologna reforms, building a favorable systemic structure and concentrating a critical mass of researchers to ensure the training of PhD students.

The partners of the project are: Vilnius University, Kyiv-Mohyla Academy National University, Semyon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics, Dnipro National University named after O. Honchara, Institute of Higher Education of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Mykolaiv National University named after V. O. Sukhomlynskyi, Lumière LION-2 University, Limerick Institute of Technology, University of Tampere, Institute of Economics and Forecasting of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Institute of Physics of Condensed Systems of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Institute of Social and Political Psychology of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Institute of Chemistry of High Molecular Weight Compounds of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

Project coordinator Doctor of Economic Sciences, Prof. I. Oleksiv 

Executors of the project: Doctor of Economic Sciences, associate professor Kharchuk V., Doctor of Economic Sciences, professor Shulyar R., Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate professor Ugolkova O.

Read more: DocHub Project


Implementation of Education Quality Assurance system via cooperation of University-Business-Government in HEIs (EDUQAS) (586109-EPP-I-2017-1-RO-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP)

Representatives of the Department of Management and International Business participate in the EDUQAS project "Implementation of education quality assurance system via cooperation of University-Business-Government in higher educational institutions", which aims to improve education quality assurance systems by developing effective internal quality standards that increase the level of employment students in universities of partner countries. The university's internal education quality assurance system will be formed on the basis of an analysis of needs and opportunities in the universities of Kazakhstan and Ukraine, the experience and best practices of education quality assurance systems in relation to the quality assurance of the Bologna process.

Expected results:

  • Created QA units, developed set of standards, guidelines for internal quality assurance in higher education
  • Improved quality of activities (research, education, governance) on the basis of the study of procedures and processes of EU universities.
  • Improved quality culture among students, academic staff, management and administration of the University.
  • Developed affiliate network university-business-State through cooperation of QA agencies, professors, researchers, students with EU universities.
  • Enhanced internal university information systems of quality evaluation and corporate QA infrastructure.

The project partners arethe following: Universitatea din Craiova (Craiova, Romania), Kungliga Tekniska högskolan (Stockholm, Sweden), Université de Liège (Liège, Belgium), University of Plovdiv Paisii Hilendarski (Plovdiv, Bulgaria), Latvijas Universitatea (Riga, Latvia), Université de Lorraine (Nancy, France), Semyon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics (Kharkiv, Ukraine), Donetsk State University of Management (Mariupol, Ukraine), National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine (Dnipro, Ukraine), Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages ​​(Almaty, Kazakhstan), Kazakh University of Economy, Finance and International Trade (Astana, Kazakhstan), Institute of Higher Education, National Academy of Education (Kyiv, Ukraine), National Agency for Quality Assurance of Higher Education (Kyiv, Ukraine), Ministry of Education and Sciences of Ukraine (Kyiv, Ukraine), Ministry of Education and Science (Astana, Kazakhstan).

Project coordinator Doctor of Economic Sciences, Prof. I. Oleksiv 

Executors of the project: Doctor of Economics, Prof. O. Kuzmin, Doctor of Economics, Assoc. V. Kharchuk, Doctor of Economics, Assoc. R. Shulyar, Ph.D., associate professor H. Lema, Ph.D., associate professor T. Lisovych, Ph.D., associate professor O. Ugolkova. 

Read more: EDUQAS project

Double degree program with Kingston Business School (London, UK)

Students of the Department of Master's level educational programs "International Economy", "Business Administration" and "Innovation Management" will have the opportunity to receive a second diploma at Kingston University. At the same time, the price of education for students will be reduced by almost 45% compared to admission to Kingston University without prior education at the Lviv Polytechnic. Cooperation from the side of the MIB department will be led by Doctor of Economics, Professor Ihor Oleksiv, Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor Viktoriya Kharchuk and PhD, Associate Professor Olena Ugolkova.

The launch of the double degree program was the result of the cooperation of the Department of Management and International Business with the Business School of Kingston University within the framework of the "Development of Leadership Potential" program of the British Council, student and teacher mobility projects implemented as part of the Erasmus+ KA1 program, as well as the visit of the head of the Business School of Kingston University Ayan Roberts.


Kingston Business School

Visit of the head of the Kingston University Business School


International grant program Digitale Zukunft – Digi Bridge

The international grant program Digitale Zukunft – Digi Bridge between the Aschaffenburg University of Technology, Germany, and the Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine, is implemented by the Department of Management and International Business for the period from February 1, 2021. until 31.08.2022

The goals of the Digitale Zukunft – Digi Bridge project are:

formation of a new design of the educational environment in conditions of mixed (offline + online) learning;

development of professional competencies of teachers of the Lviv Polytechnic National University through events on the exchange of experience in creating modern educational programs;

promotion of student international mobility;

formation of hard + soft skills in higher education seekers of all levels through participation in activities using online educational platforms of partners;

equipment of a specialized class for the needs of blended learning for the funds allocated within the framework of the project.

The Aschaffenburg University of Technology was opened in 1995, and in 2007, according to a new order, it changed its name to the University of Aschaffenburg. In 2019 The university became known as Aschaffenburg University of Technology. It is a university of applied sciences, one of the two main types of higher education institutions in Germany. While traditional universities are mostly focused on theoretical aspects, universities of applied sciences have developed practical training and focus on the formation of professional skills.


Project manager: Doctor of Economic Sciences, Prof. Kuzmin O. 

Coordinator and responsible executor of the project: Doctor of Economics, prof. Chernobay L.



Prof. Dr. Bauke, Ascgaffenburg University of Applied Sciences, Germany, Faculty: Business and Law;

Mr. Schulten, Head of Career Service and International Office;

Viktoriia von Rosen, PhD, VentureLab


Information resources on the project:

Impressions from participating in this program:

  • Presentation about the Aschaffenburg Higher Technical School
  • Video from Venture Week

Erasmus+ KA2 project "Ensuring academic freedom and inclusion through digitalization" (AFID)


Erasmus+ KA2 project "Ensuring academic freedom and inclusion through digitalization" (AFID, № 101081850 – AFID – ERASMUS-EDU-2022-CBHE) is aimed to enhance academic freedom and inclusion of students and teachers through establishing and exploiting of multi-institutional inclusive virtual campus (MIIVC), approachable to different kinds of users and focused on wide international optionality of digital educational courses.

To achieve the goal, the project involves the cooperation of experienced partners from Sweden, Portugal, and Spain with Ukrainian partners who will create a virtual campus, develop inter-university agreements and internal policies of the organization, provide and ensure the quality of digital education, introduce inclusive online courses and pilot inclusive digital education in the field entrepreneurship - the most in-demand field of competences in Ukraine.

More information.


Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Chairs project "European technology transfer for Ukrainian universities (UniTECH)

Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Chairs project "European technology transfer for Ukrainian universities (UniTECH)" (101047891 — UniTECH — ERASMUS-JMO-2021-HEI-TCH-RSCH) is aimed to transfer EU experience in the field of technologies in three cycles of higher education and to promote the development of innovative culture at the Lviv Polytechnic National University. The project provides for the development of a set of courses on technology transfer in the EU for bachelor's, master's, and doctors of philosophy majors "Management" and "Public management and administration". This approach will contribute to the development of the vital connection of Lviv Polytechnic National University with business, the development of innovative culture, and the modernization of the labor market in Ukraine. This project is being implemented in collaboration with the department of administrative and financial management.

More information.


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