Lviv Polytechnic National University

Project coordinator

Lviv Polytechnic National University (LPU) founded in 1816 is the largest university in Ukraine. It consists of 18 institutes including 106 academic departments, has about 34,000 students, 600 PhD candidates. The educational process is provided by a faculty of about 2200 staff members, 280 of whom are professors (holding ScD degree) and over 1200 associate professors (holding Ph.D. degree). Since 1961 LPU trains international students and at present there are more than 300 students from 20 countries. 2-cycle system of education (bachelor and master cycles) according to Bologna process is introduced at LPU. There are 64 Bachelor programmes (20000 students) and 129 Master programmes (8000 students). At present according to the new Ukrainian Law “On higher education” the process of development of new 3rd cycle programmes in 117 Ph.D. specialties (over 600 PhD candidates) covering all major engineering specialties as well as some humanitarian and science programmes is going on. ECTS is broadly used to facilitate exchange programs. 

LPU is leading in Ukraine in implementation of new educational paradigm – student-centred education and competence-based approach in development and realisation of educational programmes. University has implemented internal Quality Assurance system and received certificate ISO 9001:2015.

LPU’s participation in this project will be mainly represented by Department of Social Communication and Information Activities (SCIA), Centre of Information Support (CIS), Department of Chemical Engineering (CED) and Department of Ecology and Sustainable Environmental Management (DESEM). SCIA’s research area is analysis and modelling of online social communication as a basis of information society. The department’s staff is skilful at online communities building and management, user-generated content processing as well as information and documentation science. CIS is the main IT unit of LPU also involved in different research and educational projects which require software development and maintenance. Web services support and development unit of CIS is responsible for all LPU’s web systems development and support with a strong focus on Open Source solutions. CED brings the expertise in chemical engineering and DESEM – expertise in ecology to the team.


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