Lutsk National Technical University

Project partner

Lutsk National Technical University (Lutsk NTU) was established in 1966 and in 2008 received the National status. Lutsk NTU has the IV level of accreditation (the highest in Ukraine). Nowadays it comprises 9 Faculties, 35 departments; 7 lecture and laboratory buildings with up‐to‐date equipment; has branches at industrial enterprises, dozens of research laboratories, book & e‐libraries; developed network of International collaboration; sports centre, computer printing house etc.The academic staff of the university includes more than 400 persons. Among them there are more than 30 Doctors of Science, Professors, 310 PhD, 18 full or correspondent members of the National Academy of Science and branch academies & 9 branch foreign academies; more than 15 persons were awarded state honors and laureates of the state prizes. Lutsk NTU prepares professionals on more than 30 specialties. Nearly 8 500 students in 30 directions are trained in a Bachelor’s and a Master’s degree.

Major science schools:

  1. Advanced Information Technologies in Engineering,
  2. Innovative Engineering‐ Pedagogical Technologies,
  3. Modern Pedagogical Technologies of Engineers Training,
  4. Progressive Technologies in Engineering and Industry,
  5. Resource‐Saving & Energy‐Saving Technologies,
  6. Processing of Materials & Machine Construction,
  7. Material Science and Composite Materials,
  8. Regional Economy,
  9. Financial support for sustainable development,
  10. Accounting, analysis and audit in the management of business activities,
  11. Commodity and expertise of consumer goods quality,
  12. Organizational‐economic principles of management of enterprise development.

Lutsk NTU has active international collaboration with many countries under different area, in the program Erasmus+.

Our strategy of internationalization of include the mission of training of highly qualified professionals which are adaptability in the today’s world industrial, social and economic conditions and capable of effectively resulting of intellectual potential, meet the demands of the economy and society.

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