University News

03 Mar 2020

12:26 – The website Academic Journals and Conferences
Scientific journal Advances in Cyber-Physical Systems, Volume 4, Number 2, 2019

02 Mar 2020

стартап-команда WI-HI
15:48 – Tech StartUp School, Lviv Polytechnic
Team from Lviv Polytechnic Tech StartUp School ranked third in Project Battle

зустріч працівників з Оксаною Винницькою
14:12 – IECDR, Lviv Polytechnic
Canada’s Honorary Consul in Ukraine Oksana Wynnyckyj-Yusypovych visits Lviv Polytechnic IECDR

Ярослав Ноконь читає лекцію
11:58 – PSIR Department, Lviv Polytechnic
Professor from the University of Gdansk delivered a lecture for students of the Department of Political Science and International Relations

групове фото
09:26 – Nataliia Pavlyshyn, Lviv Polytechnic Center for Communication
Mykola Kniazhytskyi met with the Rector and talked with the youth at Lviv Polytechnic

28 Feb 2020

засідання англомовного клубу «Euro SPEAKing Club»
13:08 – FTC Department, Lviv Polytechnic
The first meeting of the English-speaking club «Euro SPEAKing Club» was held at the Institute of Economics and Management

27 Feb 2020

презентація можливостей програми Creative Spark
13:06 – Tech StartUp School, Lviv Polytechnic
Creative Spark trainers from Polytechnic told about the program in four universities

виступ на конференції
12:30 – Anastasiia Stepaniak, Lviv Polytechnic Center for Communication
Residential Property Management must be handled by professionals: a thematic conference was held at CEBS

26 Feb 2020

Наталія Чухрай та гор Зорій на святкуванні 60-річчя японського імператора Нарухіто
16:37 – Anastasiia Stepaniak, Lviv Polytechnic Center for Communication
Lviv Polytechnic joined the celebration of the 60th anniversary of the Emperor of Japan

15:14 – MIB Department, Lviv Polytechnic
Competition for scholarships to study at Kingston University within the Erasmus+ program

 Андрій Яців, Оксана П’ятковська, Михайлові Климаш та подружжя Лунтовських
10:19 – IECDR, Lviv Polytechnic
A meeting with German Ukrainians at International Institute of Education, Culture and Diaspora Relations

Любомир Демків
09:53 – ISN Department, Lviv Polytechnic
International team, including University representative, won at the International Robotics Challenge in the UAE

Гінтарас Денафас
08:49 – Anastasiia Stepaniak, Lviv Polytechnic Center for Communication
How Lithuania deals with waste: University welcomes guests from Kaunas University of Technology

25 Feb 2020

логотип програми мобільності Mevlana
12:24 – Olena Lanets, IEMT, Lviv Polytechnic
Polytechnicians are invited to participate in the Mevlana exchange programme with Turkish universities

 Тарас Вервега та Юрій Бобало
08:44 – Nataliia Pavlyshyn, Lviv Polytechnic Center for Communication
Veterans Service – Polytechnic new project: «Integration» Center draws on US experience