One of the largest Polish corporations in the technology sector Asseco will cooperate with Lviv Polytechnic

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On January 27, Rector of Lviv Polytechnic Yurii Bobalo signed a framework agreement on cooperation with Daniel Lala, Vice President at Asseco Data Systems, one of the largest Polish corporations in the technology sector.

– For Polytechnic, this cooperation is interesting primarily because of the possibility of preparing and submitting international grants. Asseco has a whole department that develops grant activities and they are ready to work with us in this direction. It is worth noting that this company is a leader in Europe among developers of software for mobile devices. They are ready to give us the software they are developing for the learning process. Preliminary agreements also provide for our students to do internships and, accordingly, later – employment, – said co-organizer of the meeting Mykhailo Lobur, the head of the Department of Computer-Aided Design, the Institute of Computer Science and Information Technologies, Lviv Polytechnic.

The next step in the cooperation development will be a meeting of the rector of Lviv Polytechnic with the owner of the Asseco Corporation and the development of specific steps for the development of cooperation.

Asseco Corporation, which employs more than 28,000 people, specializes in software development and production. The company implements IT systems for the banking sector: many Polish banks use programs and systems developed by this corporation. Asseco also develops solutions for insurance companies and special public administration systems, including the Polish Ministry of the Interior and Administration. In addition, the company works in the fields of energy, telecommunications, healthcare, local government, agriculture and institutions.

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