Tetiana Bubela, Head of the Department of Measuring Information Technologies, ICTA, and Associate Professors of various Institutes and Departments – Mariana Senkiv (Department of Tourism, ISD), Lesia Myklash (Department of Foreign Languages, IHSS), Olha Rybytska (Department of Mathematics, IMFS) and Viktoriia Bazylevych (Department of Architectural Constructions, IARD) attended the seminar.
This is the final seminar of the course for teachers of the Baltic University Program – «Education for Sustainable Development in Higher Education», where Lviv Polytechnic is among 85 participating universities from 12 countries of the Baltic region, in particular from Finland, Lithuania, Slovakia, Poland... Among the Ukrainian representatives there is also Iryna Ushchapovska, a teacher at Sumy State University.
Visvaldas Varžinskas, Director of the Lithuanian Center of the Baltic University Program, Asta Savikeviciene, Professor at the School of Economics and Business, the Kaunas University of Technology, Head of the Sustainable Management Research Group, and the teachers and administrators of the course – Shepherd Urenje, Cecilia Lundberg and Sinikka Suomalainen greeted the participants of the seminar. On the first day, the participants got acquainted with an interesting presentation «Systematic integration of challenge-based learning (CBL) into university research», which was presented by Asta Daunoriene, Associate Professor at the Kaunas University of Technology, Head of the Center for Academic Competence of Teachers. Shepherd Urenje from Uppsala University, Sweden, spoke about the ideas of rethinking university teaching and learning for the 21st century, after which the participants discussed in groups their own projects of changes and presented their results of work.
On the second day of the seminar, a lively and interesting discussion took place about the value of change projects, active learning methods, opportunities for cooperation and joint publications.
The overall aim of the BUP course for university teachers is to integrate the UN Sustainable Development Goals into teaching, courses and curricula. Lecturers emphasize the methodology of teaching using electronic means. As you can see, the course also contains an important project part and allows you to publish the results of your project in a peer-reviewed journal. During training, special emphasis is placed on issues of quality education, responsible consumption and production, as well as climate change. To participate in the program, you need to prepare a motivation letter and a preliminary description of your Change project.
In their free time from seminar classes, Lviv Polytechnic teachers took the opportunity and joined interesting excursions as well as explored the city on their own. Mariana Senkiv says that this time she managed to find a house which Yevhen Konovalets often visited, as evidenced by the memorial plaque on it.