Lviv Polytechnic National University hosted an official presentation of the project «The concept of ecosystem services: European experience» (ЕЕ4CES), which is financed by the Erasmus+ programme, Jean Monnet, with the support of the European Neighborhood Instrument. The goal of the project is to spread the European experience of the concept of ecosystem services for the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine.
Ecosystem services are the benefits that humans can receive from nature. Unfortunately, the damage caused by the military actions in Ukraine has a large and irreparable negative impact on the environment, and this will affect the lives of the population not only in Ukraine.
EE4CES is jointly implemented by the Viacheslav Chornovil Institute of Sustainable Development (ISD) and the Institute of Mechanical Engineering and Transport. The project is carried out by Mariia Ruda, Alla Shybanova, and Anna Hyvliud, the Department of Ecological Safety and Nature Protection Activity, and Khrystyna Barvinska, the Department of Transport Technologies.
Olha Kuz, project manager, deputy director of Viacheslav Chornovil Institute of Sustainable Development, Yurii Roiko, head of the Department of Transport Technologies, and Ihor Petrushka, head of the Department of Ecological Safety and Nature Protection Activity, welcomed the participants. The importance of interdisciplinary topics and its correspondence to the main goals of the Jean Monnet projects was emphasized by Svitlana Shytikova, coordinator of Erasmus+ projects in Ukraine, who also joined the meeting.
Invited guests were representatives of Ukrainian universities, namely Olena Mitriasova, Doctor of Sciences in Chemistry, Professor at the Department of Ecology, Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University, Anna Slavko, Candidate of Juridical Science, thematic coordinator of the Jean Monnet module at Sumy State University, as well as researchers from the Ukrainian National Forestry University, and the Institute of Ecology of the Carpathians of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, and others.
Olena Fedorova, who is responsible for the application submission and implementation of international projects of Jean Monet at Lviv Polytechnic, noted the positive results from the project implementation at Lviv Polytechnic. She wished success and timely implementation of all planned events within the grant agreement.
Students and representatives of the Departments participating in the implementation of the project attended the meeting. These are the main beneficiaries, as they will be students of the optional course «Ecosystem services for the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine: European experience».
The first officially planned event of the project – the 4th International Scientific Symposium «Sustainable Development – State and Prospects» – will take place on February 7–10, 2024 in the Polytechnic-2 Recreational Camp at the Slavske ski resort.
All interested persons in the topic of the EE4CES project are invited to join social networks to find new information.