Ivan Demydov: «Researchers of Lviv Polytechnic are actively working on greening»

Іван Демидов

Implementing the information project «Environmental Polytechnic», we will write about Polytechnicians’ achievements, aimed at achieving sustainable development goals.

Ivan Demydov, Vice-Rector for Scientific Research, told us in detail about the topics and scientific achievements of Lviv Polytechnic researchers, who contribute to improving the environment and solving key issues of greening.

– Lviv Polytechnic performs a number of works related to environmental issues, energy efficiency and waste processing. If we analyze the developments that receive state funding under the program of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, they are the work of Professors Volodymyr Pohrebennyk and Myroslav Maliovanyi related to the legacy we received after the liquidation of mining and chemical companies. Professor Pohrebennyk, for example, is working on «Development of methods for integrated operational monitoring of technologically hazardous accumulated industrial waste of mining and chemical enterprises». Since such wastes come in different forms, Professor Maliovanyi complements this research with his «Development of technology for pre-treatment of filtrates, landfills and solid waste landfills». This also includes the elimination of consequences of activity of various chemical enterprises.

The projects funded by the National Research Foundation of Ukraine are more related to development than to ascertaining the elimination of consequences. They are aimed at obtaining new means, including biological, for the reclamation of lands with certain organic industrial wastes. Work is underway to modify the waste of crude oil waste so that it can be used for road construction. Professor Mykhailo Bratychak is engaged in this field.

If we divide the topic into fundamental and applied, then from a fundamental point of view all topics are now based on biological processes, and from an applied point of view we explore those methods and processes that allow processing raw materials or waste for reuse in production processes, construction, energy industry, etc.

Polytechnicians also study the consequences of using certain areas for landfills, the properties of objects located around them, and the possibility of their reclamation, as well as the impact of landfills on the ecosystems of adjacent areas. They perform various types of research within the Nature Reserve Fund of Lviv region, in particular Lviv parks. Researches also concern the quality indicators of natural waters and wastewater, and the technology of their treatment. Professor Zenovii Znak, in particular, researches this topic.

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