On February 15–25, 2023, the Winter Euroschool «European best practices: energy, digital and environmental dimensions» was held online in the framework of the project «European studies for technical specialties at Lviv Polytechnic National University» (EUSTS) with the support of ERASMUS+, the Monnet direction in order to popularize knowledge about the EU and the European integration process of Ukraine.
Despite the difficult situation, the Winter School aroused special interest among scientists, students, and schoolchildren, as more than 80 people from different parts of Ukraine – Dnipro, Kyiv, Kharkiv, Ternopil, Kamianets-Podilskyi, Uman, Cherkasy and Lviv volunteered to participate in it. Within the framework of the online school, a series of lectures and discussions were held on the topics «The EU as a global leader», «Energy trends of the EU», «Legal and institutional systems of the EU: simply about the basics», «The current state of digital transformation of the EU», and «Ukraine’s cooperation with EU». They reflected the thematic directions of the Winter Euroschool, namely: the foundations of the European Union, the climate, digital and energy dimensions of European integration and Ukraine’s cooperation with the EU.
Speakers Petro Sukhorolskyi, Roman Pasichnyi, and Anastasiia Kuskiv focused on the EU legal system, the EU’s experience in combating disinformation and the value of fast fashion in the face of climate change.
A particularly valuable part of the event were interactive tasks, including videos, smart quizzes, and tests related to European studies on the Kahoot platform. In addition, Zoriana Zazuliak, a trainer for interactive teaching methods, conducted an interactive session on the topic «Protection of human rights in the context of Russia’s armed aggression in Ukraine using the example of the ECHR». The Young European Ambassadors, the EU youth policy, the regional dimension of Ukraine’s youth policy were by International students, practitioners, Young European Ambassadors Yuliia Vaida, Anastasiia Kovalchuk, Viktor Demko, Bohdan Mirinchyk and Yuliia Pass shared their knowledge and experience about EU opportunities for youth, Erasmus exchanges, and the EU initiative.
It is important that Winter Euroschool «European best practices: energy, digital and environmental dimensions» became a platform for communication and exchange of experience of scientists, students, schoolchildren, and representatives of regional authorities. The participants received certificates and expressed great gratitude for the organization of such an event and wrote positive reviews. The EUSTS project team is sincerely grateful to all the participants of the event for their active participation and invites you to join the next, no less interesting events.