We have helped and will help our Armed Forces to win this war – this is the decision of the Lviv Polytechnic community. Therefore, our volunteers – students and employees of the University – tirelessly make maximum efforts to provide the soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine with everything they need.
Recently, one more car, quadcopters, camouflage nets, household chemicals, hygiene products, food products, and cigarettes were transferred from Polytechnic to the front line.
– We have been helping our military since 2014. Due to volunteer activities, we created a circle of caring people who, like us, worry about the fate of our country, so we do everything possible to support the Armed Forces of Ukraine, – noted Andrii Dobrovlianskyi, head of the Lviv Polytechnic Security Service
The Center for the Collection of Humanitarian Aid of the University continues to carry out volunteer activities.
― We do not stop volunteer work at our Center even for a day. We always work in several directions: we interact with benefactors, we look for the necessary technical equipment for various military brigades, and we help internally displaced people. There are constant needs, as the war continues, and new people are being mobilized, who often need additional equipment. Now, for example, we are completing the technical preparation of cars for the brigades fighting in Mykolaiv, – says Volodymyr Shepitchak, head of the Center for the Collection of Humanitarian Aid. – Our foreign partners often come to us – they are interested in how we work, where we are located. Cooperation becomes even closer. The other day, humanitarian aid was taken to our soldiers on the east and south of Ukraine. Our colleagues, including a volunteer from Poland, came under heavy fire near Kharkiv, so they had the opportunity to see the complexity of our activities.
Support for forcibly displaced persons, in particular those who live in Polytechnic student dormitories and in the Center for IDPs in the buildings of our University, also continues on an ongoing basis.
At the end of June, the dormitories of Lviv Polytechnic University received household appliances from the Center for Comprehensive Rehabilitation for Persons with Disabilities «Halychyna»: refrigerators, washing machines, gas stoves, electric kettles, microwave ovens, blenders and electric heaters. This equipment was handed over within the framework of the joint project of the Lviv Regional Military Administration, headquarters of the State Social Service Agency, World Vision International and the NGO «Let’s Help Together», the task of which is to support places of mass residence of forcibly displaced persons.