On May 10, 2024, within the framework of the European Studies for Technical Specialties at Lviv Polytechnic National University (EUSTS) project with the support of the EU Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Program, an interactive event "Dissemination of Best Practices in Teaching European Studies and Creation of Interdisciplinary Programs in Ukrainian Higher Education Institutions: Exchange of Experience" was held online. The event was organized by the team of the European Studies for Technical Universities at Lviv Polytechnic National University together with the professors of the National Aviation University (Kyiv).
Prof. Yaryna Turchyn (EUSTS Project Manager, Director of the IHSS NULP) shared her experience and vision for the implementation of European Studies with the EU grant opportunities and focused on the peculiarities of the development of European Studies at Lviv Polytechnic National University, the prospects for the introduction of interdisciplinary educational programs on the EU and Ukraine's European integration. In turn, prof. Nina Rzhevska (Head of the Department of International Relations and Strategic Studies, Faculty of International Relations, NAU), taking into account the individual educational trajectory of applicants, noted that through selective educational components, the National Aviation University implements knowledge about the EU, mainly on EU information security. The Professor announced the start of work on the implementation of an interdisciplinary innovative educational program in European Studies at NAU, because an effective diplomat of the modern world must not only have humanitarian, but also technical and natural knowledge. "Aviation and space are an environment for diplomatic and international relations," said Prof. Rzhevska.
Associate Professor Nataliia Vovk (EUSTS project participant, Associate Professor of the Department of Social Communications and Information Activities of the NULP) shared the best practices of teaching European studies to students of technical specialties, developed over the two years of the EUSTS project implementation at the NULP, which are worth disseminating to other technical universities in Ukraine. Artem Sapsai (Associate Professor of the Department of International Relations and Strategic Studies, Faculty of International Relations, NAU) focused on the topic of Ukraine's technological diplomacy, including a discussion of the conceptual aspects of technological diplomacy; the place of technological diplomacy in the state authorities of Ukraine and EU agencies; the security factor of Ukraine's technological diplomacy; the role of the scientific and educational space for the development of Ukraine's technological diplomacy. According to A. Sapsay, achieving such goals is possible if specialists are trained through interdisciplinary programs. Associate Professor Olena Lukachuk (INNOVATION HUB mentor, EUSTS project participant, Associate Professor of the Department of Political Science and International Relations of the NULP) presented the experience of project activities of NULP students, including through EU programs, as well as the specific results of such work. Associate Professor Nataliia Borotkanych (representative of Ukraine in the Program Committee "Digitalization, Industry, Space" of the Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Program, Associate Professor of the Department of International Relations and Strategic Studies, Faculty of International Relations, NAU) promoted grant opportunities for technical universities within the framework of the EU Framework Program for Research and Innovation "Horizon Europe", sharing her own experience and valuable recommendations for writing project applications. In particular, information was provided on the areas of the Horizon Europe program: Advanced Science; Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness; and Innovative Europe. Nataliia Borotkanych paid special attention to the opportunities for humanities in the Horizon Europe program. As a result of the theoretical part, scholars from both universities agreed to work together to implement interdisciplinary programs in European studies that will combine humanitarian and technical knowledge and expertise.
The practical part of the event with the use of interactive teaching methods to form knowledge about the EU as a responsible global actor in the modern system of international relations for students of the National Aviation University was conducted by trainers in teaching methods, participants of the EUSTS project - Associate Professor Olga Ivasechko (Department of Political Science and International Relations), Associate Professor Oleh Tsebenko (Department of Political Science and International Relations). During the practical part, the participants used the exercise "Walking through the EU Tour Gallery", where students got acquainted with key EU institutions, senior EU officials, and various facts about the EU. The event also included a Euroquiz "What do you know about the EU?" where NAU students competed with each other in knowledge of various facts and features related to European countries and the EU.
In total, more than 70 people joined the event - students (30 people), professors, postgraduate students of the National Aviation University and Lviv Polytechnic National University (43 people). The EUSTS project team would like to thank all the participants for interesting discussions, professional presentations, exchange of best practices, and development of new ideas for the development of European studies in Ukrainian universities.
Associate Prof. Oleksandr Markovets (Department of Social Communication and Information Activities), Associate Prof. Lidiia Kasha (Department of Electromechatronics and Computerized Electromechanical Systems), and Associate Prof. Iryna Sukhorolska (Department of Political Science and International Relations) also contributed to the preparation of the event.
More information about the EUSTS project can be found here: https://lpnu.ua/yests