Polytechnicians, who plan to do their internship in Poland in July 2019, have seven days to officially confirm their intention. On this occasion, Center for International Education organized an information seminar-presentation of the Leopolis for Future 2019 program.
Leopolis for Future is a paid internship program at well-known companies and institutions in Poland. Project participants will gain practical experience in solving organizational, legal and social problems in the field of business operations and self-government, therefore, in fact, participation is relevant for students of any specialty.
– Every year, about a dozen of our students do their internship in Poland, where they work for one or two months at Polish companies in different sectors, participating in the organization of the work of these institutions, etc. One of the mandatory documents required for applying is a motivational letter: read the list of companies, learn about their work and internship you can get there – this will help you formulate the motivation, recommends the head of the Center for International Education Nataliia Hots.
The results of the internal selection will be announced on March 12. The next selection stages will be a skype interview with program coordinator in Poland Karolina Erwin and an interview at the Consulate General of the Republic of Poland in Lviv.