Vladyslav Vlasyk, chief engineer at Antonov State Enterprise, Oleksandr Dveirin, chief engineer, and Serhii Fil, chief engineer for prospective developments, visited Lviv Polytechnic in order to establish cooperation between the Department of Oil and Gas Engineering and Welding (OGEW), the Institute of Mechanical Engineering and Transport, and the State Enterprise Antonov. The representatives of the aircraft industry got acquainted with the achievements of the OGEW Department and the peculiarities of the educational program «Unmanned aerial vehicles».
They also met with representatives of the Institute’s Departments, whose field of scientific interests makes it possible to attract scientists to cooperate with the aircraft construction enterprise.
As part of the visit to Lviv Polytechnic National University, representatives of Antonov State Enterprise also visited the Institute of Computer Technologies, Automation and Metrology and the Institute of Telecommunications, Radioelectronics and Electronic Engineering, where they learned about the achievements of Polytechnicians in areas of mutual interest.
Representatives of Antonov State Enterprise met with students of the Institute of Mechanical Engineering and Transport, who are majoring in «Unmanned aerial vehicles», and emphasized the demand for relevant specialists in our country.
In general, the Institute and the representatives of Antonov State Enterprise agreed on the following further steps of cooperation:
- establishment of scientific cooperation between Antonov State Enterprise and the scientific community of the Institute;
- joint work on the improvement of the educational program «Unmanned aerial vehicles»;
- involvement of representatives of Antonov State Enterprise in the teaching of professional disciplines for students majoring in «Unmanned aerial vehicles»;
- the possibility of improving the material and technical base of the Institute’s Departments due to the efforts of Antonov State Enterprise;
- involvement of students in the real projects of Antonov State Enterprise;
- the possibility of completing all types of internships for students majoring in «Unmanned aerial vehicles» and developing a student training project based on the dual form of education on the basis of Antonov State Enterprise;
- training for the Institute students on the basis of the educational center of Antonov State Enterprise with an appropriate certificate.
We express our gratitude to the representatives of Antonov State Enterprise for the opportunity to be involved in the aircraft industry of Ukraine and hope for fruitful cooperation!