On October 25 and October 26, 2018 Head of the Department of Political Science and International Relations of Lviv Polytechnic National University, Professor Halyna Lutsyshyn and Associate Professor Oleksandr Horbach ran working meetings in Gdansk (Poland) within the project on State Policy on the Protection of the Rights of National Minorities: the Experience of Ukraine and Poland with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.
Representatives of Lviv Polytechnic University met with Anna Listewnik, Director of School No. 57 in Gdansk, where there are Ukrainian classes and more than one hundred children of the Ukrainian community are studying there. She also met with Ella Kreminska, Head of the Ukrainian Association in Gdansk. A fruitful meeting was with a well-known Polish historian of Ukrainian origin Іgor Hałagida.
Within the ІІІ Ukrainian week in Gdansk, the Polytechnicians visited graphic exhibition of Oleh Denysenko, where they met with the Consul of Ukraine in Gdansk, Lev Zakharchyshyn.