According to the results of the autumn semester of the 2022/2023 academic year, as part of the implementation of the project «European studies for technical specialties at Lviv Polytechnic National University, 285 full-time students and 36 part-time students successfully completed the study of three selective academic disciplines: «Environmental and climate EU sustainability», «Ukraine-EU: digital transformation» and «EU energy and new trends for Ukraine».
All practical classes are conducted in an interactive form using various methods, for example: gallery walk, snowball, debate, SWOT analysis, etc.
One of the mandatory tasks of the courses is the presentation of student projects, during the implementation of which students mostly focus on researching EU initiatives and the specifics of their implementation in Ukraine. The choice of project topics is based on the team specialization.
The subject «Environmental and climate sustainability of the EU» was successfully mastered by 64 full-time students and 14 part-time students of five Lviv Polytechnic Institutes (IPEC, ICTA, IGDG, and ICCT). Within the implementation of individual projects, students presented research on the peculiarities of such programs as EU4environment, EU4Climate, EUWI+, Fit for 55, as well as the European Green Deal and the LIFE program. In particular, within the framework of the component «Circular economy and new opportunities for growth» of the EU4Environment initiative, the applicants investigated the concept of implementing a circular economy in Ukraine and analyzed the experience of the Slavuta united territorial community regarding industrial waste mapping.
123 full-time students (ITRE, IPEC, IMFS, ICTA, IEM, IJPS, and IHSS) received digital transformation skills in accordance with the EU experience within the course «Ukraine-EU: digital transformation». Particularly relevant among students were projects dedicated to the digitization of the educational sphere in Ukraine («CyfroShkola», «Digitization of educational institutions of Ukraine», «Digitization of secondary education institutions»), as well as «Using mobile applications for the purpose of digitization of the population of Ukraine», «Digitalization of administrative services in Ukraine», «Problems of digitization of libraries» and others.
98 students (ITRE, IPEC, IEM, ICTA, IJPS, IGSN) received knowledge from the EU experience regarding energy efficiency and energy saving. At the final classes, the students presented a number of their studies, related to both EU energy trends and the specifics of the implementation of energy programs and initiatives of Brussels in Ukraine. Among the projects submitted by students, the following should be highlighted: «SMARTGRID», «Peculiarities of the EU initiative EU4Energy», «Innogate», «The market of electric vehicles in the EU and in Ukraine», «Plans for the post-war recovery of Ukraine with the support of the EU: energy sector», «Implementation of electric cars in Ukraine»; «Lack of energy supply in Ukraine: useful life hacks»; «Biofuel use in Ukraine: EU experience»; «EU best practices in the field of energy efficiency» and others.
Students have given positive reviews to the studied courses. The participants received not only theoretical knowledge about the European Union, but also acquired practical skills of implementing experience for the development of Ukrainian communities.
Upon successful completion of the courses, each student received a certificate of graduation.
In addition, the students took part in five online lectures-discussions with the participation of practitioners, experts, researchers of the European Union. They also took part in a European public tour, during which they visited the Administrative Service Centre of Lviv, as well as in the workshop «Boost your digitalization» and a simulation game «World of Communities», etc.