Educational process of the department

The educational process at the PIO department is implemented both through traditional organizational forms of education (lectures, seminar classes, practical classes, laboratory classes), and with the use of innovative learning technologies based on information and communication technologies, methods of active pedagogical interaction, integrated technologies for the content of individual courses, case study technologies, interactive seminars, master classes, conducting training sessions in professional (vocational and technical) education institutions in the context of dual education tasks. It is the modern approaches to the organization and conduct of the educational process at the department that ensure a high level of training of students and are focused on the formation of their professional competence, the training of specialists who are intellectually and psychologically ready to make non-standard decisions and rationally organize their activities, with abilities for self-development, self-realization and skills work in a team.

The academic and pedagogical staff of the department ensure the teaching of pedagogical disciplines according to the educational and professional programs for the training of bachelor's, master's, and postgraduate students, as well as innovative author's courses within the framework of the Continuing Education Courses under the program "Development of professional-pedagogical competence of higher education institution teachers" for the academic and pedagogical staff of the National University "Lviv Polytechnic". According to the program, the goal of the Continuing Education Courses for academic and pedagogical staff is to develop the professional-pedagogical competence of teachers by improving their professional pedagogical training, deepening and expanding pedagogical knowledge, skills, and abilities based on their previously acquired educational qualification level and practical experience.



Specialty 015 "Professional education"


1. Digital technologies.

Training period:

• 4 years – on the basis of complete secondary general education.

• 3 years – based on the educational and qualification level "Junior specialist"

Forms of education: full-time.


Studying according to the educational and professional program of bachelor's training

Graduates of the speciality "Professional education (by specializations), how specialists can work in the following positions:

1. Teacher of vocational and technical education institutions and colleges by profession,

2. Teacher of practical, industrial, specialized training,

3. Instructor,

4. Educator of a vocational and technical education institution,

5. Master of the training centre,

6. Technologist-mentor,

7. Head of the educational laboratory.



The Department of Pedagogy and Innovative Education of the Institute of Law, Psychology, and Innovative Education of the National University "Lviv Polytechnic" has signed an Agreement on education under the double degree program with Lublin University of Technology (Poland) for students of the speciality 015 "Professional Education", specialization "Digital Technologies".

Brief information about the program:

  • Education according to the educational-professional program for a bachelor's degree.
  • Form of study: full-time (semesters 1, 2, 3, 6, 8 – at Lviv Polytechnic, semesters 2, 3, 5, 7 – at Lublin University of Technology – semester counting corresponds to the semesters indicated by the respective universities).
  • The cost of tuition and accommodation is determined in the agreement.



Speciality 011 "Educational and Pedagogical Sciences" 

Duration of study: 1.5 years - based on the educational qualification level of "Bachelor". 

Forms of study: full-time, distance learning. 

Upon completion, qualifications are awarded: Master in Educational and Pedagogical Sciences, Distance Learning Instructor, Instructor (by profession). 

Education according to the educational-professional program for a master's degree. 

Training is provided in the following specialities: informatics, mathematics, physics, chemistry, foreign languages, law, economics, and general technical disciplines. 

Students acquire theoretical and practical knowledge, skills, and abilities in the field of pedagogy and distance learning with the possibility of further employment in secondary education institutions, vocational education institutions, institutions of higher education, etc. 

Admission is based on the results of the Unified Entrance Exam (UEE) and professional exam. Applicants with a specialist's or master's degree may be admitted only based on the consideration of motivational letters. 

Education is provided on a budgetary and commercial basis. 

The cost of training for specialists (full-time) is 30,750 UAH (20,500 UAH per year). 

The cost of training for specialists (distance learning) is 18,450 UAH (12,300 UAH per year).



The department offers training under the educational-scientific program for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the following specialities

011 "Educational and Pedagogical Sciences" 

Duration of study: 4 years - based on the educational qualification level of "Master". 

Forms of study: full-time, distance learning. 

Upon completion and defence of the dissertation, the qualification of Doctor of Philosophy in Educational and Pedagogical Sciences is awarded. 

Applicants undergo entrance examinations according to the admission rules to the doctoral program of the National University "Lviv Polytechnic". 

The attainment of the Doctor of Philosophy degree is within the licensed capacity according to the obtained licenses. 

015 "Professional Education (by specializations)" 

Duration of study: 4 years - based on the educational qualification level of "Master". 

Forms of study: full-time, distance learning. 

Upon completion and defence of the dissertation at the meeting of the specialized academic council, the qualification of Doctor of Philosophy in Professional Education (by specializations) is awarded. 

Applicants undergo entrance examinations according to the admission rules to the doctoral program of the National University "Lviv Polytechnic". 

The attainment of the Doctor of Philosophy degree is within the licensed capacity according to the obtained licenses.

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