Scientific activity of the department

The scientific work of the Department of pedagogy and Innovative Education is oriented and focused on the analysis of current issues of modern pedagogy, theory and methods of professional training and education of modern youth, creation of conditions for the professional development of the personality of the future specialist.

The department is a base for the training of scientific and pedagogical workers (postgraduate and doctoral studies) in the following specialities:

  • 011 – Educational, pedagogical sciences
  • 015 – Professional education (by specialization)

The specialized academic council D 35.052.24 works at the department


  • 13.00.01 – general pedagogy and history of pedagogy;
  • 13.00.04 – theory and methodology of professional education.

Following the requirements of modern legislation, one-time specialized academic councils for the defence of dissertations are constantly created at the department. To date, 16 dissertation studies for obtaining the scientific degree of Doctor of Philosophy have been defended at meetings of one-time specialized Academic Councils.

The complex research topic of the department: "Theoretical and methodological foundations of personal and professional development of a modern specialist in the conditions of integration into the international educational space." Registration number: 0121U113179.

The coordinator is Dr. Ped. n., prof. Yuriy Mykhailovych Kozlovskyi.

The main areas of research on a complex topic are:

  • General pedagogical approaches to modelling the scientific activity of a higher education institution (Y.M. Kozlovskyi);
  • Theoretical and methodological principles of formation of professional and pedagogical competence of higher school teachers (T.M. Horohivska);
  • Theoretical and methodological principles of the development of professional and pedagogical mobility of higher school teachers (O. M. Iyevlyev);
  • Theoretical and methodological principles of managing the educational process in an educational institution (Kryshtanovych M.F.);
  • Theoretical and methodological foundations of professional formation and development of a modern specialist (Mukan N.V.);
  • Theoretical and methodological principles of differentiated learning, modular learning technologies and national education (Sikorskyi P. I.);
  • Theoretical and methodological foundations of psychology and pedagogy of creativity (N. B. Chubinska);
  • Formation of professional competencies of a graduate of a higher education institution: an integrative approach (L.V. Dolnikova);
  • Quality assurance system in the educational process of a higher education institution (Kolodiy I. S.);
  • Theory and practice of using information technologies in the professional development of a teacher (Noskova M. V.);
  • Peculiarities of innovative pedagogical activity (Shevchuk G.Y.).
  • The use of modern information and communication technologies in the formation of a creative personality (Stechkevich O.O.);
  • A meta-subject approach to the integration of professional and fundamental competencies of specialists (Huziy I. S.);
  • Modern educational technologies (Helzhynska T. Ya.).

The department is an organizer of international and all-Ukrainian scientific and practical conferences, seminars, and round tables:

1. International scientific and practical conference "Management in education";

2. International scientific and practical conference "Professional development of a teacher in the conditions of integration into the European educational space: international academic and professional / professional-pedagogical mobility";

3. International scientific and practical conference "Implementation of educational initiatives in wartime conditions: domestic and foreign experience";

4. International scientific and practical conference "Gryhoriy Skovoroda - Ukrainian philosopher-mystic, theologian, poet and teacher (to the 300th anniversary of his birth)"

5. All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference: "Problems of teacher training for professional education: theory and practice";

6. Regional "round table" on the topic "Problems of teacher training for professional education: theory and practice";

7. Interregional round table "Ensuring the quality of educational and scientific programs for training doctors of philosophy in the field of 01 Education / Pedagogy", etc.


The department operates a permanent scientific seminar: "Actual problems of professional development of the individual in the conditions of European integration processes."

In recent years (since 2015), scientific and pedagogical workers of the department have published:

There are 514 articles in publications included in the list of specialized scientific publications of Ukraine.

More than 120 articles in periodical scientific publications indexed in the Web of Science and Scopus databases; more than 500 abstracts of reports in collections of materials of international and all-Ukrainian scientific and scientific-practical conferences.

More than 40 monographs have been prepared and published.

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