Student science

Students studying the specialities of the department are involved in research work by leading scientific and pedagogical workers by involving them in participation in scientific conferences, round tables, contests of student scientific works, etc. Creative scientific and pedagogical workers at the PIO department carry out active innovative work to involve students in scientific research work.

The purpose of this activity is to reveal the scientific and creative potential of students studying at the University, to develop their scientific thinking and research skills, to popularize pedagogical knowledge, to form readiness to use an innovative approach in the field of scientific pedagogical research, to integrate the scientific, educational and industrial activities of students.

The main task of the scientific-pedagogical team of the department in this direction is the need to determine the scientific potential of students, recognize it in time, support it and direct it in the right creative direction. Scientific work with students is actively carried out by the head of the PIO department, T. M. Horkhivska, professor Yu. M. Kozlovskyi, professor N. V. Mukan, professor O. M. Iyevlyev, associate professor L. V. Dolnikova, associate professor I. S. Kolodiy, Associate Professor Huziy I. S., Associate Professor Helzhynska T. Ya., Associate Professor Shevchuk G. Y., Associate Professor Chubinska N.B.

Together with the students, scientific and pedagogical workers of the department have published more than 40 scientific articles in specialized scientific publications, and more than 70 theses of reports at All-Ukrainian and International scientific and practical conferences on current problems of modern pedagogical science.

The scientific circle "Innovatsi-I" works at the department, the purpose of which is to form the future creative scientific potential of the department, search for talented young people, generalize the initial experience and give this work a systemic character.

While studying their favourite profession, students have the most pleasant moments of knowledge and self-affirmation when, under the guidance of teachers, they master human wisdom, professional wisdom, and often pedagogical wisdom.

In the scientific circle, students participate in scientific research on the problems of pedagogy, which are relevant and very dynamic, taking into account the rapid changes in society and education, and therefore have a wide range of opportunities for scientific research.

Topics of meetings of the scientific circle of the 2023-24 academic year.

  1. Introduction of new members of the group. Discussion of the report of the group's work for the past academic year and the leader's report on the topic "How to start scientific work in the group "Innovatsi-I".
  2. Discussion of theses of the reports of the participants of the group at the 80th SNTK.

Thematic meetings of the circle:

  • NUS: problems, prospects and realities.
  • Modern problems of implementation of inclusive education.
  • Ethnopedagogy in the organization of students' leisure time.
  • Pedagogical heritage of H.S. Skovoroda through the prism of modernity.
  • Problems of distance learning through the eyes of the student and the teacher.
  • Patriotic education in the conditions of war.

The members of the circle take an active part in student scientific conferences, continue their first scientific explorations in coursework and qualifying master's theses. 35 students took part in the 81st Student Scientific and Technical Conference of the National University "Lviv Polytechnic", second-year student Yurii Halyuk (PC-21 group) won the second prize at the second stage of the 79th National Technical Conference.

Every year, the department holds scientific student conferences and competitions for the scientific works of students of education. Student scientific works cover general pedagogical problems of education and upbringing in general secondary education institutions, vocational and technical educational institutions, technical schools, colleges, and higher education institutions.

The winners participate in All-Ukrainian competitions for the best student scientific work.

The department is the organizer of the All-Ukrainian student scientific-practical conference "Organizational, legal and psychological-pedagogical aspects of the implementation of the professional mobility of students: realities and prospects", which traditionally takes place in November 2023 in the format of an international conference.

Students take an active part in the first stage of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad in the educational discipline "Pedagogy", choosing victory during the theoretical and practical rounds. Presentations by students of the author's vision of problems related to subject-subject relations of participants in the educational process, problems of education and training, and innovative learning technologies are interesting and have elements of novelty. The winners actively compete in the II round of the All-Ukrainian Olympiad in the educational discipline "Pedagogy" and show significant achievements:

1. 2016: Shaforost Alina – III degree diploma:

2. 2017: Perun Volodymyr – II degree Diploma,

3. 2018: Pushkar Tetyana – II degree diploma, Maria Telefanko – I degree diploma;

4. 2019: Pushkar Tetiana – Diploma of the 1st degree

Due to the pandemic and martial law, activity in this regard decreased and such measures were not carried out.

Competitions of student scientific works.

The department annually hosts a competition for student scientific works. 22 students took part in the first stage in 2017, and 26 students in 2018. One paper was sent to the second stage in 2016 and 2017, and six scientific papers in 2018. In 2019, 8 student scientific works took part in the II stage of the All-Ukrainian competition of student scientific works, performed under the guidance of scientific and pedagogical staff of the department; in 2020 – 6 scientific works, in 2021 – 10 scientific works of students who submitted works on current topics of modern problems of pedagogy, innovative education, inclusive education, modern ICT in education.

1. 2016: Vasylyna, a student of the group of Hrytsiv University of Applied Sciences, won 3rd place at the All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers in the speciality "Theory and Methodology of Vocational Education" (supervisor Prof. Yu.M. Kozlovskyi)

2. 2017: MEM-11 Pavliv Oksana student - 2nd place in the All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers in the speciality "Theory and Methodology of Vocational Education" (scientific supervisor: Associate Professor L.V. Dolnikova)

3. 2018: Student of MEUN-11 Nataliya Kulyk - 3rd place in the All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers in the speciality "Theory and Methodology of Vocational Education" (research supervisor Professor Yu. M. Kozlovskyi)

4. 2019: Student of the MEUN−11 group Olga Horbal took third place in the All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers in the speciality "Theory and Methodology of Vocational Education" (scientific supervisor, senior lecturer G. A. Buschak).

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