University News

10 Mar 2020

У Великій Британії презентують стартап-школу Університету
12:55 – Tech StartUp School, Lviv Polytechnic
Director of Tech StartUp School presents innovative tools of University’s StartUp School in the UK

Студенти ІГСН в Ольштині з Мироном Сичем
12:08 – PSIR Department, Lviv Polytechnic
IHSS students successfully undergo their internships at the Sejmik of Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship, Poland

Львівська політехніка
11:57 – CGC, Lviv Polytechnic
All-Ukrainian Olympiad for entrants at Lviv Polytechnic National University

08:47 – Anna Zihanshyna, Lviv Polytechnic Center for Communication
How to get an internship in Poland: Leopolis for Future program was presented at the University

06 Mar 2020

Оксана Хар та Тереза Астрамович-Лейк
15:42 – PSIR Department, Lviv Polytechnic
Postgraduate student of the Department of Political Science and International Relations undergoes her internship at the University of Warmia-Mazury

Життя в стилі ЕСО
12:28 – FTC Department, Lviv Polytechnic
FTC Department invites to a meeting with Taras Demkura, Vice-President of the International Chamber of Commerce

професор Войцех Зелінський з Тарасом Василишиним
11:54 – ICCT, Lviv Polytechnic
Rector of Silesian University of Technology awarded the best graduate of the Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technologies

11:23 – PSIR Department, Lviv Polytechnic
International student exchange programs were discussed with foreign partners at IHSS

учасники семінару
08:43 – TAP Department, Lviv Polytechnic
Department of Theoretical and Applied Psychology organized an open seminar on Individual Psychology

05 Mar 2020

ЛОЦ запрошує до співпраці викладачів іноземних мов
15:22 – LEC, Lviv Polytechnic
Linguistically Education Center of Lviv Polytechnic invites foreign language teachers to cooperate

афіша лекції
11:27 – International «Integration» Center, Lviv Polytechnic
International «Integration» Center invites students to attend lectures by American Professor Marshall Botkin

04 Mar 2020

учасники зустрічі
16:07 – Anastasiia Stepaniak, Lviv Polytechnic Center for Communication
Lviv Polytechnic Rector meets with Volodymyr Zhemchuhov, Ukrainian Partisan, Hero of Ukraine

Є́льський університе́т
15:33 – MIT Department, Lviv Polytechnic
A representative of Yale School of Engineering & Applied Science, USA, will give lectures in Lviv Polytechnic

науковий пікнік «EU for You!»
14:34 – FTC Department, Lviv Polytechnic
The Department of Foreign Trade and Customs organizes a science picnic «EU for You!»

представники Georgian College із канадського міста Баррі
12:19 – Tech StartUp School, Lviv Polytechnic
StartUp School of Lviv Polytechnic establishes international relations with Georgian College from Canada

03 Mar 2020

Галина Клим
12:43 – According to Ukrinform
Lviv Polytechnic representative is in the TOP-10 successful Ukrainian women researchers according to the Ukrinform agency

12:26 – The website Academic Journals and Conferences
Scientific journal Advances in Cyber-Physical Systems, Volume 4, Number 2, 2019