Within the framework of EU_LEAD project a public lecture was held by Professor Krystyna Leszczynska-Wiczmanowska

Department of Political Science and International Relations
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On 6 December 2024, within the framework of the EU Global Responsible Leadership for Europe: Climate Change, Environment and Humanitarian Aid (EU_LEAD) project, supported by the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Programme, a public lecture and discussion was held by Krystyna Leszczynska-Wiczmanowska, Professor of Political Systems and Human Rights at Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin (Poland), on the topic «Green Deal as the European Union's response to the climate crisis».

«Climate change affects the entire planet, so green initiatives must be implemented jointly», - said the professor. As the European Union is the most overheated continent in the world, the problem of climate change is relevant to Europeans and requires relevant approaches to address it. Krystyna Leszczyńska-Wichmanowska emphasised that the EU is striving for leadership in the global world, where the economy plays an important role, and that the European Union is currently focusing on green trends. The lecturer focused on a number of important points: The European Green Deal is part of the EU's global leadership strategy, but its implementation requires significant investment. Thus, by 2030 alone, the EU plans to invest €260 billion annually in green transformations. This is 25% of the total EU budget. In addition to the EU budget, the sources of funding are private investment and loans from the European Investment Bank; the EGD implementation has both significant support and significant irritation in the societies of many EU member states. Since the EGD concerns not only environmental protection, but also business, healthcare, energy, agriculture and other areas that are subject to significant changes that are not always popular among EU citizens; changes in the context of the EGD implementation in the energy sector (transition to clean energy sources), economy (formation of a circular economy), energy efficiency of private homes, development of sustainable transport, protection and restoration of ecosystems, adaptation to climate change, formation of an ecological lifestyle, climate neutrality, sustainable development; EGD strategies, for example, «From Farm to Table»; changes in EU legislation to guarantee the irreversibility of the EGD implementation, mandatory implementation of its norms. The professor elaborated on the problems of implementing the EGD, when a number of countries hold the position «Why limit carbon emissions when other countries do not care?». She also mentioned the possible weakening of support for the EGD in the international arena due to the presidency of D. Trump, who is known for his critical attitude to the green transformations proposed by the EU.

The participants of the event joined an interesting discussion. The main issues discussed were the implementation of the EGD under the Trump presidency, climate strikes in EU member states, informing EU citizens about environmental initiatives, etc. It is important to note that the lecture-discussion of Professor Krystyna Leszczynska-Wichmanowska was attended not only by professors and students of Lviv Polytechnic, but also by the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn (Poland). In total, more than 80 students and professors from both universities joined the event.

The EU_LEAD project team thanks all the participants for an interesting discussion and understanding of the importance of green transformations. More detailed information about the EU_LEAD project is available here.