On 30 November 2023, Ihor Panchenko, Head of Regional Digital Transformation at the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine, and Maksym Stolyarchuk, Head of the Digital Development Department of the Lviv Regional Military Administration, gave a public lecture on the topic "Digital Development of the Regions of Ukraine: Trends of the Pre-War Period and Prospects for Post-War Recovery".
In his speech, Ihor Panchenko focused on the trends of regional digital transformation in the pre-war period, such as:
Paperless and electronic public services, including E-document flow in all state regional administrations, local state administrations and municipalities;
- connecting local authorities to the System of Electronic Interaction of Government Institutions;
- implementation of information systems in administrative service centres;
- sharing and validation of electronic documents in the "Diia" application;
- introduction of E-hospital systems in medical institutions;
- connection of registration authorities to the Unified State Register of Territorial Communities;
- implementation of the integrated service E-Malyatko;
- electronic diaries in schools and colleges, etc.
The speaker highlighted the issue of access to high-speed Internet both at the level of secondary schools, administrative service centres, emergency medical services, healthcare, cultural, sports and recreational, social protection institutions, inclusive resource centres, fire and rescue teams and units, employment centres, as well as local governments, cities, villages, social infrastructure institutions and the population. Ihor Panchenko also presented a programme for the development of digital skills, including digital programmes, educational series, and digital education hubs. The directions of post-war reconstruction were also presented, namely:
- using technology and implementing innovations
- modernisation of the state IT infrastructure;
- cybersecurity;
- artificial intelligence;
- landline internet and communications;
- digital competences;
- hyper-automation;
- increasing the part of IT in the Ukrainian economy.
Instead, Maksym Stoliarchuk focused on the digital development of Lviv region. Such as electronic document management systems in local authorities, approaching services to residents through the development of the ASC, development of open data, namely the deployment of the Local Open Data Portal and the Local Statistics Portal of Lviv Region. The next - information audit of Lviv Regional State Administration and involvement in the development of open data in local communities, as well as work with donors (UNDP Project "Promoting Security of Ukrainian Citizens in Response to the War Crisis"; UNDP Project "Strengthening Community Resilience in the Regions of Ukraine"; USAID/UK Aid TAPAS Project).
According to Maksym Stoliarchuk, the perspective area of work for 2024 is
- support for the military through the introduction of the I-Veteran service in the region's ASCs and continuous improvement of the practical skills of administrators for the quality provision of services to the military/veterans/members of their families through the organisation of seminars, forums, etc;
- mapping on the official website of the Lviv Regional State Administration and development of a chatbot on local community services and opportunities for veterans;
- stimulating and supporting the development of defence-tech technologies in the Lviv region through collaboration with Brave-1.
The experts emphasised that all aspects of digital development of both the country and the regions should be in line with the directions of the EU's digital development.
The public lecture by Ihor Panchenko and Maksym Stoliarchuk was attended by 90 participants, including students of various specialities from Lviv Polytechnic National University, teachers, and EUSTS project participants from the departments of SCIA, PSIR, and ECES. The event participants were interested in the digitalisation of the healthcare industry, the implementation of Action Business in Warsaw, etc.
The event was organised within the project "European Studies for Technical Specialities at Lviv Polytechnic National University (EUSTS)", which is implemented with the support of the EU Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Programme.
More information about EUSTS is available on the project website within the Lviv Polytechnic Portal.