Lviv Polytechnic National University hosted a meeting with members of the Lviv cluster of healthcare business. The roundtable «Ukrainian Innovators and Healthcare Business: How to Develop in the New Reality» brought together more than 20 representatives of the academic and business communities. It was dedicated to the technological innovations available at the University and the current requests of medical equipment manufacturers, owners of medical centres, and practicing doctors.
Several innovative MedTech inventions of Lviv Polytechnic were presented at the roundtable, and the problems of their development and implementation were outlined. The attendees had the opportunity to learn about innovations in artificial intelligence, digital applications, laboratory equipment, orthopedics, traumatology, rehabilitation, ophthalmology, biomechanics, medical engineering, healthcare management, etc.
Among the promising MedTech developments, there was a presentation of information technologies for processing medical personal data (registers and systems) which was conducted by Nataliia Melnykova, Head of the Department of Artificial Intelligence Systems, the Institute of Computer Science and Information Technologies.
Professor Mykola Kuzin and Associate Professor Andrii Kunynets, the Department of Computational Mathematics and Programming, the Institute of Applied Mathematics and Fundamental Sciences, told the owners of rehabilitation centres, rehabilitation doctors and orthopedic traumatologists about computer modelling approaches to polytrauma of limb elements based on non-local biomechanics approaches.
Oleksandra Falchuk, a specialist at the Business Innovation Centre, the Tech StartUp School, Lviv Polytechnic, told the audience about Dmytro Dubachev’s project DOFamine, a modular universal moving platform of 3–6 DOF (degrees of freedom) capable of accurately reproducing real movements of vehicles or other objects in a safe environment, as well as studying human behaviour at different stages of post-traumatic rehabilitation.
The representatives of the Lviv Medical Business Cluster were particularly interested in the digital application «Assistant for Medical Records Automation» developed by Oleksandr Romaniak, a postgraduate student at the Department of Software, the Institute of Computer Science and Information Technologies.
The development of an intelligent mobile computer vision and voice control system for visually impaired people, presented by Mykola Beshley, Professor at the Department of Telecommunication, at the Institute of Telecommunications, Radioelectronics and Electronic Engineering, provoked a lively discussion with the participation of ophthalmologist Oksana Yurevych.
The full text of the article is available on the Facebook page of the R&D Department.