Lviv Polytechnic National University hosted a meeting of the Lviv Society of Fellows. The event was dedicated to a seminar on Variety, Requirements and Prospects of Active Current Sources for Portable Electronic Devices, which was held as part of the interdisciplinary Horizons of Science project.
The speaker was Oksana Balaban, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of Applied Physics and Nanomaterials Science, the Institute of Applied Mathematics and Fundamental Sciences, Lviv Polytechnic. The participants discussed existing and future current sources, their performance indicators, identified disadvantages and advantages and looked for alternatives to electrochemical power sources.
The presentation was focused on an overview of batteries and accumulators, as well as the synthesis of new active cathode materials with controlled and predetermined properties. Oksana Balaban outlined the requirements, prospects, variety of materials and methods of their modification to increase the discharge capacity of lithium batteries. After all, these are the issues that she and her colleagues from the Department of Applied Physics and Nanomaterials Science are working on in the Laboratory of Nanophysics and Molecular Energy in cooperation with other chemists. There was also presented the study results of the materials that have already been studied, their significant advantages and further plans for scientific research.
The interesting and informative presentation prompted a number of questions from the audience, which were answered by Oksana Balaban. The discussion was moderated by Yaroslav Prytula, coordinator of the initiative of the Lviv Society of Fellows, the Senior Vice-Rector of the Ukrainian Catholic University.
The mission of the Lviv Society of Fellows is to create a favourable environment where scientists with different academic backgrounds can communicate, exchange ideas and collaborate on interdisciplinary research projects.
The organisers are grateful to the members of the Lviv Society of Fellows for the wonderful event and the pleasant scientific atmosphere as well as science popularisation.