On March 7, Lviv Polytechnic National University started a new tradition – the celebration of the Day of Lviv Polytechnic.
Lviv Polytechnic went along a long and difficult path of development – from the Real School at the beginning of the 19th century to the National University at the beginning of the 21st century. For more than two centuries, many traditions have been formed, cherished by many generations of students. But, researching the history of our University, researchers discover a lot of new things.
Historian Andrii Pavlyshyn, head of the Lviv Polytechnic Promotion Center, says that this date of celebration of the Polytechnic Day is not accidental. It is evidenced by ancient documents kept in the Central State Historical Archive of Ukraine in Lviv:
– These documents are also, in particular, in fund No. 146 of the Galician Viceroyalty and the General Government, Financial and Court Archives of Austria in Vienna. They state that the history of Lviv Polytechnic National University dates back to the time of the establishment of the Tsisar-Royal Real School in Lviv on the basis of the resolution of the Austrian Emperor Franz I, issued in Milan on March 7, 1816.
During this day, a lot of interesting events took place at Lviv Polytechnic. A quest was organized for students who had to find prizes in certain places and answer questions on the Instagram page of the University. Five lucky students coped with the tasks and found the hidden prizes.
In addition, a tour of the most famous places of the University was conducted for all those interested. More than half a hundred students volunteered for the excursion and learned a lot about the attractions of the University: the Assembly Hall, the Museum, the Zachariewicz Hall, the Machine room and the student library.
The Promotion Center presented a banner exhibition in the hall of the main building dedicated to the important dates of the University’s formation. A lecture on 11 unique stories related to the library was held in the Scientific and Technical Library.
Also, on the occasion of the Day of Lviv Polytechnic, everyone was able to enjoy Polytechnic cookies, which contained special ingredients: pistachios, chocolate, cranberries, lemon and orange zest. Rector, Vice-Rectors, Directors of Institutes, employees of Departments and students of Lviv Polytechnic joined the flash mob «Come to Polytechnic».
– Now, at a time when we are experiencing the challenges of war, it is especially important to form a community united by values, which want Lviv Polytechnic not only to survive, but also to develop and be the place where young people can realize all their talents and dreams, related to the chosen profession, emphasized the Rector of Lviv Polytechnic Yurii Bobalo