Tech StartUp School of Lviv Polytechnic National University held a meeting with a guest from South Korea Jaewon Peter Chun. He is an advisor to the Korean government on Smart Sity and Innovation, Director General of Xn Tree Asia (Busan, Korea), founder and managing director of Smart-X Groupe Limited Consortium, former Minister of digitalization.
– Jaewon Peter Chun got acquainted with our startups. He was impressed by their leve, so he proposed to be a mentor in our projects. Also within the framework of Innovation Spring 2019, on May 24–25, Peter and his company will monitor pitching participants and conduct training, – said Professor Nazarii Podolchak, Director of Tech StartUp School. – At the final pitching within the framework of Innovation Spring, Mr. Chun and other investors will choose the best startups to fund and promote on Western markets.
The guest also saw the presentation the StartEra crowdfunding platform, which he appreciated and assured to support.