Lviv Polytechnicians win the ІІІ All-Ukrainian essay contest «Transformation of the Modern World-System»

According to the KNUTE website
переможці конкурсу студентських науково-популярних есе «Трансформація сучасної світосистеми»

On December 3, 2019, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics summarized the results of the ІІІ All-Ukrainian student essay contest «Transformation of the Modern World-System» and announced its winners.

Among them there are three representatives of Lviv Polytechnic National University:

  • the winner of the competition is Andriana Vovk (essay topic «Eco-activism – a modern trend of international relations»);
  • the third place is taken by Roman Bibik («The Ukrainian Diaspora and its impact on the formation of Canada’s foreign policy towards Ukraine»);
  • the competition award and certificate is given to Halyna Vanivska («Problems and perspectives on relations between the European Union and the Russian Federation»).

The winners of the competition were awarded with diplomas and presents.