At the initiative of the leadership of Lviv Polytechnic National University, the newest model of the Agilent 1260 Infinity II liquid chromatography-mass spectrometer with an Agilent MSD iQ mass-selective detector and a high-sensitivity diode array detector was purchased to meet the needs of the Lviv Polytechnic research laboratories in modern liquid chromatographic and mass spectroscopic analysis.
Agilent 1260 Infinity II liquid chromatograph with Agilent MSD iQ mass-selective detector is designed to solve the widest range of research and applied tasks, including identification, qualitative and quantitative analysis of intermediates and products of organic and biosynthesis, quality analysis of food products and drugs, and determination of contaminants etc.
The advantages of the method are high sensitivity and speed of analysis, suitability for the analysis of non-volatile and thermally unstable substances, the possibility of long-term use of columns without regeneration, high reproducibility of results due to precise control of parameters affecting the efficiency of separation, ease of automation of analysis and processing of results.
Full compatibility with models of previous generations and the personification of advanced achievements of engineering and many years of global operating experience make it possible to gradually increase the capabilities of the device as more and more new methods are mastered. Lviv Polytechnicians, including employees of the Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technologies: Volodymyr Ivasiv, Andrii Karkhut, Sviatoslav Polovkovych, and Nataliia Polish, underwent specialized training on the operation rules of the tool complex, conducted by specialists of ALSI-CHROM LLC, the official distributor of the American company Agilent.
This unique high-capacity chromatograph is located in the premises of the Center for the collective use of scientific equipment «Laboratory of promising technologies for the creation and physico-chemical analysis of new substances and functional materials».
Lviv Polytechnicians can freely use Liquid chromatograph Agilent 1260 Infinity II for the implementation of state-budget and scientific projects, projects of international scientific and technical cooperation, grants of international scientific foundations, etc. At the same time, it is useful for the training of bachelors’, masters’ and postgraduate students of the Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technologies and the Institute of Sustainable Development.