A national seminar on the introduction of climate management was held at Lviv Polytechnic

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On May 27–29, 2024, the national seminar «Experience of Implementing Climate Management Module in the Educational and Professional Programme for the Second (Master’s) Level of Higher Education» was held at Lviv Polytechnic National University to disseminate the best practices in the implementation of the Erasmus+ KA2 project «Synergy of educational, scientific, management and industrial components for climate management and climate change prevention».

During the event, experts talked about the development of climate management research in the countries of the European Union and Eastern Europe. In particular, the participants learned what challenges are already facing Lviv and Ukraine as a signatory of the Paris Agreement regarding climate change. They discussed the experience of implementing the European Green Deal at the enterprises of Lviv region (utility company Green City, construction of a mechanical-biological complex of overloading and recycling of solid household waste).

At the seminar, the best practices of implementing climate management programs and measures to promote climate research of Ukrainian universities – project participants – were presented. Since this year’s seminar took place in Polytechnic, the participants were additionally given a tour of the University halls.

The Erasmus+ KA2 project «Synergy of educational, scientific, management and industrial components for climate management and climate change prevention» aims to help the universities of Georgia and Ukraine to become centers for the development of climate management research to accelerate integration into the global climate market and implement global climate regulation requirements through implementation of the best European practices in the field of climate change prevention, adaptation and minimization of its consequences.

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