The Systems Security Research Lab is opened at the Department of Electronic Engineering, ITRE

Ihor Holod, Lviv Polytechnic Centre for Communication
Фото з відкриття лабораторії

The Department of Electronic Engineering (the ELE Department), the Institute of Telecommunications, Radioelectronics and Electronic Engineering (ITRE), Lviv Polytechnic National University, has opened the Systems Security Research Lab.

The equipment for the laboratory was provided by Ajax Systems, an international technology company and Europe’s largest manufacturer of security systems. More than three million end users and 200,000 PRO users in 187 countries work with its products. One of the company’s priorities is to support and develop engineering education in Ukraine.

Ajax Systems’ press release quotes its founder and Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Oleksandr Konotopskyi: «To increase the number of cool specialists, we invest in their education».

During the presentation of one of the laboratories equipped in higher education institutions together with Ajax Systems, Oleksandr Konotopskyi told the students:

– I studied at a technical university. Everything I used during my studies was older than me. Even before the full-scale invasion of Ukraine began, our company had had an idea to update the equipment of all electronics-related laboratories in HEIs, so that you could work at the university with what you would deal with in the commercial market. The idea is very simple – to give you the tools so that you don’t waste time at university.

During the opening of the laboratory at the Lviv Polytechnic’s ELE Department, Oleksandr Tserkovnyi, Development Engineer, Ajax Systems, said that his company is interested in specialists who know how to use modern microprocessors and develop engineering solutions in the field of information and communications technology and electronic engineering on their basis. Leonid Ozirkovskyi, the Director of ITRE added:

– That’s why Ajax Systems has given us more than a dozen different debugging boards for the development and prototyping of software and hardware devices and systems based on STM32 microcontrollers, sensors, wireless cameras, modems, and specialised measuring equipment (oscilloscopes, spectrum analysers, generators and multimeters). And this is only the beginning – more will be added. Students will be able to assemble prototypes of security systems in the laboratory and study them or come up with their own systems. This is for the undergraduates. Graduate students can conduct serious scientific research. For example, they can propose methods of neutralising a detector and find out how to make sure it cannot be neutralised.

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