Lyrical Polytechnic is back: University starts a new stage of the project

Scientific and Technical Library of Lviv Polytechnic
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On 11 March 2025, a literary and musical composition «Eternity is in a Word», dedicated to the works of Taras Shevchenko, was held in the open access reading room «Third Floor». The event was organised by the second-year students of the Institute of Computer Science and Information Technologies (group PZ-22).

This event was the first one of the revived project Lyrical Polytechnic, an initiative that was launched in 2019 before the University Alumni Forum. It was co-organised by Nataliia Kalynovska, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Management and International Business, the Institute of Economics and Management, winner of national and international literary and artistic competitions.

As part of this project, meetings were held with talented Lviv Polytechnic graduates – writers and laureates of international and national awards, including Ivan Hentosh, Nadiia Boiko, Volodymyr Hanulych, and Nataliia Kalynovska. Oleksandr Chornii, a student of the Institute of Law, Psychology and Innovative Education, also presented his work, and Nataliia Sushko, a poet and,  read poems written during wartime.

The purpose of the revived project is to reveal talents of students, promote creativity and unite the university community around art. From now on, anyone can present his own works in the cosy and friendly atmosphere of the student library.

The curator of the project is Nataliia Baranova, an employee of the open-access reading room «Third Floor».

If you have any ideas or suggestions for participation, please contact the curator or write to her on Instagram.

We invite everyone to join the project and open the world of creativity!

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