Lviv Polytechnic and Formatsia.Lviv Industrial Park signed a framework agreement on cooperation

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Professor Yuriy Bobalo, Rector of Lviv Polytechnic, Roman Korzh, Vice-Rector for Education and Social Development, Zinovii Blikharskyi, Director of the Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Systems, and Mykola Mykyichuk, Director of the Institute of Computer Technologies, Automation and Metrology, paid a visit to «PORT. Logistics center» of the development company Alterra Group.

Our University is developing cooperation with this company, and it became the basis of the signed framework agreement.

– We are looking for different employers. First of all, of course, we go to our graduates who work in a wide variety of fields. One of them is the co-founder of the development company Alterra Group, where we have been today. It is a multifunctional complex, where there are logistics warehouses, production and other types of premises that can be used in different ways. We are interested in this company primarily because they focus on engineering, realizing that the future lies in this direction. They work to create R&D laboratories, engineering co-working spaces, and also take care of the conditions so that engineers have room for development. This actually became the impetus for establishing cooperation with Lviv Polytechnic. We are considering various forms of cooperation, including dual education. We have seen similar cooperation structures in the labour market in Germany. It is nice that we have also started such work, commented Vice-Rector Roman Korzh.

As the company records, this partnership will make it possible to prepare personnel that meet the needs of the market, helping graduates to become competitive.

― We are ready to support talented young people who will help in the expansion of Ukraine’s business partnership to the European market, emphasized Dmytro Kovalchuk, founder of Alterra Group, which is the managing company of the Formatsia.Lviv Industrial Park.

Cooperation involves:

  • practice and internship for students;
  • organization of seminars and master classes;
  • professional development of academics and veterans;
  • targeted technical support for Lviv Polytechnic.