Recently, at the Lviv Polytechnic National University there has been the "round table meeting" on "Problems and prospects of the coal mining of Western Ukraine." This meeting was initiated by the social union "League of business circles of the energy sector", Lviv Regional State Administration, Lviv Polytechnic National University and the state enterprise " CCI Lubelia".
The participants of the "round table" were welcomed by the first deputy head of Lviv Regional State Administration Rostislav Zamlynsky who stressed that the coal mining is necessary for the Lviv region as it is an important factor of state energy security. The effective way of development of the industry he founds in the modernization of the mines using the accumulated international experience and the financial and organizational tools.
Addressing to the audience, the rector of the Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv region chairman of the rectors , professor Yuri Bobalo urged to a close and fruitful cooperation with thescientists. This, in his opinion, will help to conduct the necessary researches and quickly put them directly into production.
Among the guests at the "round table" were the representatives of the Ministry of Energy and Coal Mining of Ukraine, state bodies of the Western Region, the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and representatives of the education institutions and the directors of the coal entrepreneurships.
The director of the Lviv municipal enterprise "Lvivelektrotrans" Michael Sidorovich , the Acting General Director of SOE "Lvivcoal" Andrey Dyachenko, the head of the Lviv territorial organization of the Trade Union of Coal Mining Oleg Turchin, the head of the coal mine "Hope" Michael Pugach have shared their ideas about improving the work of the coal mining companies, solving the accumulated problems in this area with the audience.
Following the results of the meeting it was developed a number of proposals for acceleration of concept performance of the state target economic program of reforming the coal mining for the period until 2020 year, the improving the management of the coal mining, the introduction of the modern coal mining technologies, the prospects of building a mine "Lubelska № 1-2", the solving the critical social problems of miners etc.