Scientific and Technical Library of Lviv Polytechnic National University continues to implement an international project promoting life and work of the brilliant physicist Marian Smoluchowski who worked in Lviv. On December 5, 2018, a science walking tour «Brownian Motion in Lviv» was organized by Scientific and Technical Library.
The library offered original and interesting program: the guests not only visited the exhibition of posters, but walked to the house where professor lived, and saw how the modern physicists work. Pavlo Sokhan, a staff member of the University Library, did the walking tour, letting the visitors plunge into the world of scientific discoveries. The highlight of the walk, undoubtedly, was the office where the scientist worked.
It was also interesting to communicate with Anatolii Voloshynovskyi, Head of the Department of Experimental Physics of Ivan Franko University, who told what have survived since Smoluchowski, and about the modern directions of the Department which continues the scientific research of the scientist. He showed the phenomenon of luminescence, devices and equipment of the early ХХ century.