The 10-month course Marketing and Sales in IT will start on 16 April 2025. Here veterans can research the IT services market, create and implement marketing campaigns, sell IT products, and receive decent salaries. The training program also includes internships at IT companies, and graduates will be assisted in the job search.
The course is developed by the faculty of the Department of Management of Organizations, the Institute of Economics and Management (Oleksii Druhov, Oleh Karyi, Mariana Hvozd), the Institute of Computer Science and Information Technologies (Nataliia Shakhovska), and the IEM Department of Marketing and Logistics (Nazar Hlynskyi and his team).
During their study, veterans will learn about the marketing and sales system in IT business, market research and the creation of a marketing strategy in IT, SEO and ASO in digital marketing, sales channels, branding and PR, as well as develop their skills in using Google tools and artificial intelligence.
In addition, the training will provide veterans with a thorough knowledge of English and soft skills – from basic to IT companies requirements.
The training will be held live, twice a week, from 17:30 to 20:00, in the centre of Lviv at 3 Petrushevycha Square.
Requirements for those wishing to attend:
- basic level of English;
- to attend live classes in Lviv twice a week;
basic understanding of IT and experience/education in marketing/sales will be an advantage.
To enrol in the course, veterans need to register via a Google form by 6 March 2025.
Contact us for questions and assistance in enrolment:
- e-mail:;
- tel: +380996443810.