How to become a warrior of the information front

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Bots, propaganda channels and zombie Russians are launching an entire information campaign on social networks in order to spread fakes, misinformation and panic among Ukrainians. But the information front, fortunately, is open to all and even those who hide in bomb shelters can fight against the aggressor in the media, so our army is huge.

Each time, addressing the people, Oleksii Arestovych, Adviser to the Head of the Office of the President of Ukraine, emphasizes the active propaganda of the enemy and the importance of filtering information and destroying fakes. Our psyche and worldview have begun to adapt to new conditions, and we sometimes shift our focus to routine and ordinary life, forgetting that ending the war requires active action not only from volunteers and defenders, but from all Ukrainians, including the information front. Information is now our main weapon and must be actively used in various ways.

The most popular tool of information warfare is the sending of complaints asking to block accounts that spread misinformation and fakes, and support the country of the aggressor. But the cyber police do not advise to do this – the distribution of such posts among friends on Instagram with a call to block only increases the coverage of the account, its popularity online. That is why this question was passed to cyberpolice specialists, who are engaged in the destruction of bots, propaganda and fake information. Thus, you just need to send a link to the page in the bot – This is a proven and official resource, where you can also report, of course, on the movement of enemy equipment, informing the Armed Forces of Ukraine, that is, not to sit idle, but to help Ukraine in the information war.

The easiest thing that everyone can do for sure is to keep the world from forgetting about Ukraine and to expand the number of people and countries that actually support us in opposing the aggressor. Tell your friends from abroad about Russia’s crimes, encourage them to go to rallies in their countries, because we now desperately need support from foreign partners. Encourage them also to fight against propaganda and fakes in their countries, as well as to spread truthful information among the world community.

It is worth drawing the attention of international publications and politicians of the world’s leading countries to the war in our country. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and SMM experts advise active users to do this through comments under their posts related to Ukraine, publish tweets, stories and write own posts with the tags of these people. As practice shows, today it is quite an effective tool of influence, but you need to follow certain recommendations: write briefly, in fact, use hashtags, do not conflict with other users, like similar comments and posts to promote them.

Europeans need to be reminded that this is not a conflict, not a crisis, but a full-scale invasion, war. This wording has the greatest impact on people, attracts their attention, and calls for more action. The word «war» is a trigger, and it should be used in the information space to activate the world community.

But most importantly – do not spread your own fakes, misinformation and panic. Today we really need a clear mind, confidence in the future and fighting spirit. Share verified information, follow only official sources that belong to the authorized authorities. And, most importantly, trust the authorities, they are doing everything to liberate our land, clean it from enemies and guarantee the next generation a peaceful sky.