Lviv Polytechnic significantly improved its position in the overall World University Rankings by Times Higher Education and rose from the group of 801–1000 universities to the 501–600 category.
The Times Higher Education World University Rankings is one of the three top university rankings in the world. It evaluates universities using 13 performance indicators, which are grouped into five areas: Teaching, Research, Citations, International outlook and Industry Income.
Lviv Polytechnic National University significantly improved its position in the overall ranking of the Times Higher Education World University Rankings, announced in September 2020, and rose from the group of 801–1000 universities to the 501–600 category. Polytechnic is one of only two HEIs in Ukraine that entered this category. One more Ukrainian university entered the category 801–1000, the other 6 HEIs took places in the category 1001+.
In total, the Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2021 includes more than 1,500 universities from 93 countries, including 9 Ukrainian higher education institutions.
The Times Higher Education World University Rankings by subject was published on October 28. Our university is a leader among Ukrainian universities by three subjects and one subject category it shares with only one Ukrainian university.
According to the results of the Rankings, Lviv Polytechnic improved its position in key indicators and rose in all four branches of science.
Thus, in the Computer Science subject the university moved from the group of 251–300 universities to the category 201–250, while one Ukrainian HEI entered the category 301–400, others – 601–800.
In Business and Economics, our University also showed positive dynamics, moving from the category of 501+ to the position of 301–400, other Ukrainian universities took the place of 601+, and one – 401–500.
In Physical Sciences, Lviv Polytechnic rose from 601–800 category to 501–600, other Ukrainian HEIs reached 1001+.
The same dynamics was shown by our University in Engineering and Technology, rising from category 601–800 to 501–600, one more Ukrainian university is positioned in this category, others – in categories 601–800, 801–1000 and 1001+.
Every year Lviv Polytechnic strengthens its positions in each of these branches of science. This is of great importance for University staff and students. Researchers, academic staff and other employees understand that their work is properly appreciated, and students have another reason to be proud of studying at a leading Ukrainian University. Of course, rankings are not an end in themselves, but they help to objectively assess the activities of the University and see its development.
THE World University Rankings by subject