Thomas Fahlbusch, Deputy Director General of CCI in Erfurt paid a visit to Khmelnytskyi Polytechnic College

Khmelnytskyi Polytechnic College of Lviv Polytechnic
Томаша Фальбуш відвідав Хмельницький політехнічний коледж Університету

In April 15, 2019, in the framework of the signed cooperation agreement between Lviv Polytechnic National University and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Erfurt, Thomas Fahlbusch, Deputy Director General of CCI in Erfurt, paid a two-day visit to Khmelnytskyi Polytechnic College.

It was the first time Mr. Fahlbusch was in Khmelnytskyi. He showed considerable interest in the education institution, paying particular attention to its own developments and modernization of material and technical basis. Vadym Ovcharuk, the Director of the College, showed the guest the College. Thomas Fahlbusch deeply appreciated it.

Within the visit, in the library’s reading room, there was a roundtable discussion with the participation of Thomas Fahlbusch, students, parents and academics, who took part or want to participate in the dual education programme with the internship in Germany and receive European certificate, which allows to legislatively confirm our students’ competencies in the EU.

Mr. Fahlbusch presented the activities of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry which he represents and told about the Free State of Thuringia where there are located 64,000 CCI enterprises, ready to take college students for internship, and answered all the questions regarding financing and support of foreign students by their institution. He emphasized that after the completion of the internship, in addition to the diploma of his education institution, students will also receive a German document that allows working in the European Union.