The Ariston laboratory is opened at Lviv Polytechnic: new opportunities for students and academic staff

Viktoriia Buhaiova, Lviv Polytechnic Centre for Communication
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On September 5, Lviv Polytechnic hosted the grand opening of the Ariston Research and Training Laboratory in the 2nd academic building of Lviv Polytechnic. This is an important step in improving the practical training of students and the research work of academic staff. The event began with a minute of silence in memory of those who died on September 4.

Yurii Bobalo, Lviv Polytechnic Rector, and Ihor Makarov, Ariston CEO, attended the opening ceremony. They addressed the audience, emphasizing the importance of cooperation between business and education in these difficult times.

– Lviv Polytechnic differs from many universities as it constantly introduces advanced technologies, said Yurii Bobalo. Students and academic staff will be pleased to work with high-power equipment together with Ariston. Practical training, especially with modern equipment, has always been a drawback in the educational system. Now we can develop and learn in practice.

Rector expressed the gratitude to Ariston for its generous contribution and noted that the equipment will be invaluable for both the educational process and scientific research.

In his turn, Ihor Makarov, Ariston CEO, emphasized that the company has always supported innovation and strives to be at the forefront of energy saving, hot water and heating technologies. He noted:

– Ariston is a leader in promoting energy efficient technologies. We are delighted to be collaborating with Lviv Polytechnic and want our equipment to help students gain practical experience that will make them competitive in the labour market.

This cooperation not only opens up new opportunities for students, but also serves as an example of how business and education can develop scientific research together. Oleh Paska, Director of the Department of Education and Science at Lviv Regional State Administration, noted the importance of such synergy:

– It is impossible to develop an effective business without real scientific research. Such laboratories provide students with new opportunities for learning and development.

For students, the opening of the Ariston laboratory is a chance to learn not only from textbooks, but also directly from modern equipment used in real production conditions. Practical training at this level prepares graduates more for the labour market, opens up new perspectives and makes them competitive in the global economy. Oleksandr Hudzovskyi, Chairman of the Students Union at the Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Systems, expressed his gratitude for this opportunity to the University and Ariston management.

– We are grateful that we can learn not only in theory but also in practice, that you have improved the quality of our education even in this difficult time.

The new laboratory creates opportunities for academic staff to conduct research, organize conferences and defend dissertations that will further improve the level of science at the University. This laboratory will be an important step towards integrating modern technologies into the educational process, improving the quality of education and creating conditions for innovative research at Lviv Polytechnic.

Vasyl Zhelykh, Head of the Department of Heat and Gas Supply and Ventilation, Lviv Polytechnic, said that the opening of the laboratory is not only an educational event, but also a step towards Ukraine’s future victory:

– This step brings us closer to victory, it shows that life goes on. Our students will be able to improve their skills, and our faculty will be able to conduct research using modern equipment.

After the official part of the event, the guests and participants had an opportunity to communicate in an informal atmosphere and discuss plans to develop cooperation between the University and Ariston.

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