On April 24, at the meeting of Academic Board, there were presented so many achievements of Polytechnicians that the award ceremony lasted more than 45 minutes! Finally, all prize-winners of competitions and contests received their awards, and scientists – official confirmation of their new degrees. After this prolonged enjoyment, work issues were discussed.
Vice-Rector Oleh Matviikiv reported and analyzed international educational programs in Lviv Polytechnic over the last year. According to him, University has six main directions of international activity: preparation of project proposals, application submission for the Erasmus and other international programmes and grants, double diplomas programmes, students’ academic mobility programmes, training of foreign students, as well as involvement of students and scientific and pedagogical staff of foreign universities to academic mobility with Lviv Polytechnic.
According to the speaker, for the last three years University participated in 31 international educational Erasmus+ KA1 projects. The most active were the students of IGD, IEM and ICCT, as well as the scientific-pedagogical staff of IEMT, IHSS, ICCT and IEM. It should be noted that compared to 2017 and 2016, in 2018, Polytechnicians became much more active in this direction.
By the number of foreign students, on the first place there are IBEE, IEMT and IARCH which is due to the available study programs in English. At present in Polytechnic there are created eleven such programs, but only five of them are used. The leader of students’ academic mobility is IEM, and among the scientific and pedagogical staff – IEM and IHSS.
Summing up, Vice-Rector Matviikiv identified three main problems that hinder the development of Polytechnic international cooperation: the low number and quality of project applications, the decrease in the number and quality of foreign students and the low academic mobility of students from abroad. In this regard, the Vice-Rectors, the Directors of the Institutes, the Heads of the Departments, Center for International Education, Department of Foreign Students and Preparatory Department for Foreign Citizens received a number of tasks to fulfill.