Project Passport


Project acronym: EUSTS

Project number: 101047462 — EUSTS — ERASMUS-JMO-2021-HEI-TCH-RSCH 

Project duration: 36 month (01.09.2022 – 31.08.2025)

Granting authority: European Education and Culture Executive Agency.

EU funding program: Erasmus+ program, Jean Monnet direction, module supported by the European Neighborhood Instrument.

Project budget: 43 000 euro.

Target groups:

  1. Full-time / part-time students of Lviv Polytechnic National University.
  2. Graduate students, teachers and researchers whose field of research is European Studies.
  3. Government representative bodies of state power and public figures.
  4. Business environment. Formation of interest in Ukraine's implementation of reforms in accordance with the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU, mainly in the field environmental protection and humanitarian aid.
  5. Public organizations. NGOs.
  6. Schoolchildren.
  7. Mass media.


Project Manager: Yaryna Turchyn, Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor of Political Science and International Relations, Director of the Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences, scientific consultant and academic coordinator of the project.
The aim
of introducing a new interactive interdisciplinary course in European studies is to study approaches to understanding the global leadership of the European Union and to interpret this role of the Community through the prism of three key dimensions, namely: the promotion of climate values, environmental protection and humanitarian aid.

The purpose of the Jean Monnet Chair in Lviv Polytechnic National University is to form and disseminate knowledge about the EU and European integration issues for students of technical specialties through the introduction of training courses and other activities; development of the latest methods for dissemination of European studies in technical universities with the involvement of a wide range of stakeholders and popularization of such experience in other higher education institutions in Ukraine; creating institutional opportunities to improve the professional competencies of teachers, civil servants, local authorities, civil society activists, as well as knowledge of EU students and other focus groups to bring about changes in the approach to European standards.

The activities proposed within the Jean Monnet Department will become an integral part of the process of assimilation of European experience, practices and values by students; formation of a highly qualified specialist competent in the implementation of European standards during the reform of Ukraine in the context of its European integration course; popularization of all components of European integration.

Goals of the project:

  1. The interdisciplinary team will ensure the development of quality teaching methods for European studies for students of technical specialties and other stakeholders.
  2. Using a variety of tools to build knowledge about the EU. The central element will be the proposed three modules on European studies, which will be interesting for technical specialties, but the effects of them will be enhanced by a number of activities: the creation of Jean Monnet Department Innovative Methodological Center «European Studies for Technical Universities», publication of articles and guide the topic of the Department, holding regional webinars, conferences, youth forums, Winter School, Academy of European Studies, media folders of European Studies, «Green Deal Euro Day» in schools, etc.
  3. The use of an integrated approach in organizing the work of the Department and achieving its main goals (both thematic content and team composition for the project), which will generate students and researchers interest in various areas of the European Union as a whole, as well as understand the importance of European standards in their future professional activities.
  4. Application of a synergetic approach, when the effects will be achieved with the joint participation of the academic community, high school, university administration, employers, businessmen, NGOs and government officials. The project will be attended by "guest lecturers" as well as well-known practitioners in certain fields, and participants in Jean Monnet projects implemented not only at Lviv Polytechnic, but also in other institutions for the exchange of experience. Through a number of events, the international activities of the department are ensured, which will develop interpersonal contacts and open new opportunities for further cooperation.
  5. Wide coverage of the Department: students, teachers, administration, schoolchildren, government officials, business, NGOs, media, foreign partners. To ensure this goal, distance learning, speeches by authoritative guest lecturers and other events will be actively used. All high-level team members have remote forms of work and have sufficient practice in this.
  6. Using an approach in which the Department is not just a center for disseminating knowledge about the EU, but also a center for developing advanced methods of teaching European studies for technical specialties, conducting relevant research and developing new interdisciplinary educational programs that will be in demand in the labor market. In addition to educational activities, the department will carry out scientific work in the field of European studies. This approach will form the feasibility of the department after the completion of the project with the support of the EU.

Results of the project:

  1. The activities proposed within the Jean Monnet Department will become an integral part of the process of assimilation of European experience, practices and values by students.
  2. Formation of a highly qualified specialist competent in the implementation of European standards during the reform of Ukraine in the context of its European integration course. 
  3. Popularization of all components of European integration. The participation of the University in such a project will not only strengthen the educational and scientific components of training specialists in technical specialties, taking into account European experience, but also create a basis for a consortium of academic, state and public structures whose activities are related to cooperation between Ukraine and the EU, implementation of European standards here.
  4. Formation of student’s professional competences of the which will be demanded in the labor market owing to introduction of the European standards, implementation of the Association agreement with EU, available European programs of support of reforms in Ukraine.
  5. Using different methods to form knowledge about the EU.


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