Cooperation of the Department

Cooperation with various state institutions, which provide social services, is a significant peculiarity of Social Work Department’s work. One of the main purposes of such collaboration is to use an experience, human and information resources with the aim of practical training of students. In the other hand, department provides those institutions with research and methodology resources for qualification improving of their employees.

In the context of Ukraine’s joining to world education space department is looking for new opportunities of training and professional development of faculty members. In view of this department develops:

Long lived partnership with University of Mannitoba, University of Applied Sciences, The University of Bielsko-Biala

New partnership with such international universities as  Kertin University, Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University

Big emphasis department gives on development of scientific-practical centre “Integration”, in the framework of which during 2010-2015 years the fallowing has been made:

  • Department teachers took part in development of certified educational program  “medical psychological aid for disabled people ” for  workers in social area  as a part of international team as one of representatives of Lviv National Polytechnic University,  Ukrainian Catholic University and international federation “L’ARCHE”/ Ark
  • Post graduate student won a scholarship in Fulbright-Hays Program and completed an internship in Washington University
  • Department teachers took part in scientific research about women part in development of civil society development. This research was conducted by Morin Flagerty, Manitobe university representative.
  • Students of all years are engaged in student projects sponsored by Lviv Education Foundation.

Scientific publications are ones of important results of international partnership.

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