Scientific activity of the department of physical, analytical, and general chemistry

NATO research project G6094 under the Science for Peace and Security program


The main directions of research works:

Determination of thermodynamic characteristics of new substances and kinetic parameters of processes

Valentyn Sergeyev (,

Viktoriia Kochubei (

Iryna Sobechko (


Synthesis and research of new substances and materials with a complex of multifunctional properties

Pavlo Shapoval (

Fedir Tsiupko (

Vitalii Stadnik (

Ihor Poliuzhyn (

Martyn Sozanskyi (


Creation of ecotechnologies and their intensification by chemical and physical methods

Volodymyr Starchevskyy (

Oksana Makota (

Yuriy Hrynchuk (

Iryna Koval (

Volodymyr Reutskyy (

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