University News

21 Jul 2020

Анастасія Василик
10:20 – International Institute of Education, Culture and Diaspora Relations
International Institute of Education, Culture and Diaspora Relations held a discussion club with Anastasia Vasylyk

20 Jul 2020

православна церква
10:29 – Department of Tourism, Lviv Polytechnic
Representatives of Lviv Polytechnic and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Italy – Ukraine discussed cooperation in the field of tourism

17 Jul 2020

онлайн-знайомство команди МІОК
13:02 – International Institute of Education, Culture and Diaspora Relations
Online meeting of Lviv Polytechnic IECDR team with South African researchers

15 Jul 2020

онлайн-зустріч Павлом Жежничем
17:40 – National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education
An online meeting with Pavlo Zhezhnych at the School of Quality of the National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education

онлайн-участь у Літній школі «Крок до України»
11:27 – IECDR, Lviv Polytechnic
XIII International Summer School of Ukrainian Studies «Step to Ukraine» has started online

14 Jul 2020

слухачі курсів у рамках проєкту «Норвегія – Україна»
15:41 – According to the ArmyINFORM
Find yourself in civilian life: a graduation ceremony was held within the framework of the «Norway – Ukraine» project

дівчина демонструє дві книги
11:57 – According to the website of Lviv City Council
With the assistance of Polytechnic Resource Center, 220 unique Braille books for children were created in Lviv

10:39 – Lviv Polytechnic College of Technology
Students of Lviv Polytechnic College of Technology received a prize from the Cisco Academy

13 Jul 2020

конференція Eurodoc «Open Up Your Science!»
17:26 – Council of Young Scientists at the MES
A representative of Lviv Polytechnic will moderate one of the sessions of the Eurodoc conference «Open Up Your Science!»

Назар Подольчак разом з Андрієм Бірюковим
14:52 – Tech StartUp School, Lviv Polytechnic
SID City Science Park plans to implement an international project to launch a biotechnology cluster

Блаженніший Святосла
10:24 – International Institute of Education, Culture and Diaspora Relations
IECDR Director participates in online meeting of Secretariat members with His Beatitude Sviatoslav, Head of the UGCC

10 Jul 2020

Марія Склодовська-Кюрі
16:13 – Yurii Martynovych, Lviv Polytechnic Center for Communication
A family is not an obstacle to science: about a woman who changed the world

Галина Клим
16:08 – Verkhovna Rada Committee on Education, Science and Innovations
University Professor is awarded a nominal scholarship of the Verkhovna Rada for young scientists – Doctors of Sciences

Прапор Республіки Корея
13:01 – Department of Political Science and International Relations, Lviv Polytechnic
Assistant at the Department of Political Science and International Relations, IHSS, wins grant to study in South Korea

09 Jul 2020

14:32 – Anna Zihanshyna, Lviv Polytechnic Center for Communication
Staying safe online or what Cyber Hygiene is: Lviv Polytechnic participated in a pilot project on Cybersecurity

Юрій Бобало, Назар Подольчак
11:53 – Tech StartUp School, Lviv Polytechnic
DTEK Academy, Lviv Polytechnic and University Science Park sign Memorandum of Cooperation