University News

19 Aug 2020

Jean Monnet
14:22 – According to NETWORK MATERIALS
The Polytechnic Project won Jean Monnet Program

Стас Ярков у центрі Львова провів мирну акцію на підтримку білоруського народу
12:22 – Anastasiia Stepaniak, Lviv Polytechnic Center for Communication
IHSS student Stas Yarkov: «I experienced and know where dictatorship leads to»

17 Aug 2020

студент вчиться
14:24 – According to THE MES OF UKRAINE
Registration for the third session of the UEE in a foreign language for the master’s degree in a contract form of study has started

Олександр Николяк
11:55 – Alumni Relations Group, Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic students attended an online meeting with Oleksandr Nykoliak, Head of the Youth Policy Department of Lviv City Council

студенка вчиться
09:10 – OLHA MATSKIV, Lviv Polytechnic Center for Communication
Webinars is an opportunity to spend free time productively

14 Aug 2020

Проєкт стартап-школи «Живі книги»
13:46 – According to TECH STARTUP SCHOOL
Lviv Polytechnic Lingart-Future Books project will represent Ukraine at the University Startup World Cup 2020

Ольга Івасечко
13:15 – Department of Political Science and International Relations, IHSS
University representative wins the International Competition of the Center for East European Studies at the University of Warsaw

вчені СAS аналізують публікаці
12:05 – Lviv Polytechnic Center for Communication
Lviv Polytechnicians are asked to share their impressions of using the SciFinder database

13 Aug 2020

абітурієнт заповнює заяву
15:44 – According to THE MES OF UKRAINE
From today, entrants can apply electronically for admission to Ukrainian universities

12 Aug 2020

Наталія Чухрай
12:21 – Nataliia Pavlyshyn, Lviv Polytechnic Center for Communication
Nataliia Chukhrai: «Lviv Polytechnic is a leader in the field of academic mobility and international relations in Ukraine»

11 Aug 2020

онлайн-зустріч членів Секретаріату Всецерковного Патріаршого Собору
15:49 – IECDR
IECDR Director took part in an online meeting of members of the Secretariat of the All-Church Patriarchal Council

14:05 – According to 5 CHANNEL LVIV
Polytechnic joins the celebration of the 90th anniversary of Yevhen Lysyk, Michelangelo of Ukrainian scenic design

10 Aug 2020

троє намальованих людей, тримаючись за руки, несуть прапор під гору
16:15 – To the Top with Roshen
Payments to the best academics and students within «To the top with Roshen» project

працівники Хмельницького політехнічного коледжу
14:52 – Khmelnytskyi Polytechnic College
Khmelnytskyi Polytechnic College enrolled the maximum number of new entrant students in all specialties

Роман Корж, Зоряна Довгалик, Анна Шмигаль, Мар’яна Черкес, Тетяна Маслак,
13:38 – ОМ Department
Polytechnicians take part in the webinar «New Realities of Education and Science during Pandemic»

логотип OPTIMA
12:16 – SCIA Department
Lviv Polytechnic will coordinate OPTIMA project for capacity building in higher education under the Erasmus+ program

07 Aug 2020

підписання Меморандуму про створення Міжнародного медичного кластеру
18:29 – Lviv Polytechnic Center for Communication
Lviv Polytechnic Science Park becomes the basis for the creation of the International Medical Cluster in Ukraine

06 Aug 2020

шиття на швейній машинці
11:55 – Tech StartUp School
StartUp School of Lviv Polytechnic joined the development of a social enterprise

05 Aug 2020

Роман Корж
17:32 – Nataliia Pavlyshyn, Lviv Polytechnic Center for Communication
Vice-Rector Roman Korzh: «Lviv Polytechnic has all the prerequisites for the introduction of dual education system»